목격자 증언
Witness E. Süffert
Healing of asthma in Munich
"A neighbor introduced me to Mr. Gröning in Munich. She knew that I had suffered serious asthma attacks for 14 years, and that my courage to face life had often faltered.
I was charmingly received. Bruno Gröning sat behind a desk, and I sat opposite him. Neither of us crossed our arms or legs. He asked me to breathe quietly and deeply. He did the same, which struck me as very funny, and I wanted to laugh. In...out...in...out. Then I felt heat in my legs. Mr. Gröning said that my recent operation had healed well. I had not mentioned one word about that to him. He explained to me that he felt everything in himself, and this was how he knew. He knew about my previous infectious jaundice, that I often had to get up at night to pass water and sometimes had no bowel movement for days. He knew simply everything, and then I was less inclined to laugh. He asked me to continue the breathing exercise. Then a bad attack suddenly started and I felt as though a heavy rock was lying on me. Mr. Gröning was breathing as loudly as I was. Suddenly, just as I felt that my air supply was being cut off, I had the sensation that energy was streaming through my body, from my head to my stomach. After this, I was able to breathe freely and deeply. That night I slept so quietly that my husband woke me to make sure I was still alive. Previously, I had spent the night sitting, rather than lying in bed, and my breathing sounded like an express train pulling into Munich station.
I experienced Bruno Gröning as a very spiritual person. I felt there was a spiritual bond between us. He gave me three small tin foil discs, which I was to place on my chest and stomach, and he said I would then be able to breathe freely. I did this, and since then I have never had another attack.”
Statements about Bruno Gröning
Prominent figures comment on Gröning
“Gröning is a unique occurrence and cannot be assigned to any psychotherapeutic or psychology school. I believe he was a deeply religious human being. A humble, credible, good-natured, helpful man.” Helmut Kindler, publisher |
“Based on my own experiences of Bruno Gröning, on my own deep insight into his teaching, on the healings which resulted from it, and on his very wise knowledge, his simple being and devotion to God, and his powerful and confident personality, I will allow myself to make an assessment. Although he has a small body, he is extremely powerful, because he devotes his entire willpower and his unique ability and knowledge to the well-being of mankind.” Anni Freiin Ebner von Eschenbach |
“It turned out that Mr. Gröning did not examine anybody visiting him. I do not know of any case where Gröning physically touched a patient. I have never heard that he advised any ill person to abandon the help of a medical doctor. He also did not prescribe any medication (...). I do not know of any case where Mr. Gröning charged any of the persons treated by him for his help (…). I didn’t regard him as a charlatan. (...) It was undeniable for me that forces radiated out from him which caused healings in people.” Bishop Dr. Hermann Kunst |
“Gröning is an extraordinary phenomenon, not to be explained scientifically. (...) One can compare him with Socrates, Jeanne d’Arc, Gandhi and Albert Schweitzer, as he sacrifices himself entirely for the benefit of humanity. His miraculous successes are so unprecedented that he has already risen to the status of an historical personality. Future generations will pay attention to him and his work.” Josef Hohmann, Headmaster of Secondary School, Historian and Border Scientist, 1957 |
“Bruno Gröning was completely mistaken and defamed by certain groups because his contemporaries had a penchant for portraying him as a miracle healer. His love of mankind, which was absolutely honest, sincere and genuine, became externally visible in an over-emphasized fashion and so concealed his original and defining character: the Christian, the messenger and the enunciator. There were only a few people who knew the essence of his life’s purpose and aspirations.” Hella Emrich, Physician |
“As a physician, I was so interested in the phenomenon of Gröning that I spent a lot of days, even a lot of nights for many weeks at Gröning´s side. (...) Gröning presents an enigma for us physicians. Firstly, he is capable, through personal contact and very strong concentration, of healing sick people suffering from the worst complaints, or at least of alleviating their suffering, among them even the blind - I experienced this myself. Secondly, Gröning is able to achieve the same success with his so-called distance healings, namely the complete healing or at least a considerable improvement. I witnessed distance healings as well. We, as physicians, can and must learn a lot from Mr. Gröning, for it has been proven in hundreds of cases that the small Gröning has helped and completely healed people where science and medical competence had already failed.” Dr. Zetti MD, general practioner |
“It is an undeniable fact that Bruno Gröning has healed many people who were up to this point considered incurable. Orthodox medical circles are quick to explain that these facts cannot be considered extraordinary as far as psychological diseases are concerned. But we are not told why orthodox medicine has had very little success with this mode of treatment up to now. Or are these cases so rare that one prefers to remain silent? The ‘new method of healing’ in Herford certainly deserves the attention it causes.” Ph. D. A. Kaul |
Eye witness Mrs. Anni Ebner von Eschenbach
"As though the physician had to get used to seeing his wife healthy again"
For some time during the years 1950-51, Bruno Gröning held lectures in the Weikersheim boarding house in Graefelfing. Anni Ebner von Eschenbach had attended some of these lectures and recorded several events in writing. Here is an example:
"Once a young woman was wheeled in in a wheel-chair, her face white as snow. During the lecture she lost consciousness and looked as though she was dead. Bruno Gröning gave her a short glance and calmed down the attendees who were distressed, particularly her husband at her side.
After barely half an hour she woke up, stretched and, rosy-cheeked, got out of the wheel-chair and went towards Gröning. She still walked a little unsteadily, but with shining eyes, radiant with happiness and astonishment.
‘It is nice, dear lady, when one can stand again on one’s own feet and when one’s little heart is beating normally again! But don’t make up for the lost years all at once – guide the body slowly back to doing its duties.’
As the woman wanted to thank Gröning, he stated, ‘Thank God! I am only his little helper; prove now, that you are a true child of God!’
The man who had brought her in stood up and said in an emotional voice, ‘Mr. Gröning, I am her husband and a doctor. For me, my wife was incurable, even though I had tried everything. She still had only one wish: to visit you. I was convinced that she would die on the journey here, for her heart had been so severely burdened, that every movement could threaten her life. I am shaken by this miracle and can hardly believe it!’
Crying with joy, he wheeled the empty wheel-chair out of the room and took a seat with his wife, as they participated in the following two-hour lecture. He glanced often at his wife, as though he had to get used to seeing his wife healthy and happy again."
Eye witness G. Clausen
Liberation from leg pain that had lasted many years
In the 1950’s, I used to live near the Uetersen air base. One day Bruno Gröning walked past our window, and my children drew my attention to him. We knew Mr. Gröning from the newspaper. When I saw him at the window, I thought to myself, "Where is he going?'' When I saw him going into my neighbour's home, I ran over to her and knocked on the door. I learned that my neighbor was Bruno Gröning`s sister. I was invited into the kitchen and allowed to take a seat at the table opposite Bruno Gröning. His sister sat between us at the long side of the table. Bruno Gröning told me to sit comfortably, not to cross my arms and legs, and to pay attention to what I was feeling. He said to me, 'Take in as much of the healing stream as you can.' And then I felt, to my astonishment – for he was sitting at the other end of the table from me – a sort of breeze in the palms of my hands, as if somebody was gently blowing into them; I am prepared to swear to this. And then suddenly and unexpectedly, his sister felt pains in her leg and cried out, "Ow, ow, ow!"
And I was thinking, "But that is my pain, which has always tortured me." For years it had felt to me as if my leg did not belong to me, as if it was only glued on. No medical treatment had been able to relieve me of this condition.
I called out loudly, “But those are my pains! I have them all the time!" Bruno Gröning only said one word: 'Had!' At that moment the pain left his sister, and my leg felt totally normal again. I was free, without pain; my leg belonged to me again, and from that moment I no longer had a limp. I was healed and have remained so.
Bruno Gröning did not ask for money. On the contrary, he gave me a sheet of tin foil, with "God's blessing wherever you go" written on it. The visit lasted half an hour. Afterwards I walked back to my home, completely healed."
Eyewitness Gottfried Kalz
"The news ‘She can walk!’ spreads like wild fire"
The mother of my colleague had been wheel-chair bound for 25 years. When the conversation turned to Bruno Gröning, I said to her, ‘Try it, let the man come...’ That was, I believe, in 1956. They got in touch with Bruno Gröning, and he promised to come and see them one morning.
When Bruno Gröning arrived, several friends of the family were there, because they were curious to see what was going to happen. Old Mrs. W. was taken out of her bed and put into the wheel-chair in the living room, opposite where Bruno Gröning was sitting. Nobody was allowed to stay in the room. Everybody had to leave.
Old Mrs. W. and Mr. Gröning were left alone. All agog, we were listening outside the living room door, hoping to hear something. Suddenly we heard Bruno Gröning saying loudly and clearly, 'Get up and walk...' I can swear that the old lady could not walk one single step before! When we heard these words, nothing could keep us behind the door any longer. We threw it open and saw that old Mrs. W. could now walk. My colleague's wife wanted to give her mother-in-law a helping hand, but Bruno Gröning told her that Mrs. W. could walk by herself. She really got up and walked freely, without help, all by herself! We all had tears in our eyes. It was hard to believe, but we had seen and witnessed it with our own eyes.
Bruno Gröning had neither hypnotized old Mrs. W., nor touched her. He had only looked her firmly in the eye, and had said, 'Stand up!' And lo and behold, she got up and walked.
It made me think, ‘Could it be that there really is a God?’ There was not a single person in the room who was not crying for joy. It was simply a deeply moving experience. And then Bruno Gröning said, 'You can walk now.'
Mrs. W. was the talk of the town. It was a sensation. The news spread like wildfire. She can walk! Within a very short time, approximately 200 people had gathered, wanting to see Mrs. W. walk. She walked up and down the street to show the people.
Bruno Gröning did not ask for payment for coming. I can only report good things about him; he had a very special charisma. Mrs. W.’s healing has lasted.
Eyewitness Christa Hinz
War invalid jumps over a paddock fence
"I heard about Bruno Gröning’s work at the Traberhof from an acquaintance. After that, I also drove over there for two days. There were at least ten to twenty thousand people on the property when I arrived. Bruno Gröning was not to be seen. We waited for him for hours.
Then he arrived and spoke to the people from a balcony. I felt an electrifying, vibrant tingling in my whole body. Other people were also moving noticeably: their limbs seemed to be flying around. I would never have believed that something like this was possible if I hadn’t experienced it myself. A woman began to shout, ‘I don’t need a walking stick any longer! I can walk again.’
Although the crowd was very dense, I managed to make my way through it, because I was so interested in what was happening.
Red Cross workers were helping a man to his feet from a primitive stretcher of wooden boards. He lifted his hands, looking for help. Sweat was running off him in streams. I asked him what was wrong with him and he said, ‘I am a war invalid.’ Later this man was able to leave his stretcher.
Then I saw a crying grandfather with his eight-year-old grandson. The boy had not been able to walk. They had cobbled together a little wagon from simple wooden boards to bring the boy to Bruno Gröning here at the Traberhof. Now, in tears, the old man told me that the boy could walk again.
Nearby, a man jumped over a fence and I said to him, ‘Well, you’re in the wrong place here.’ He replied, ‘Last Sunday I was crippled and was dragging myself around on crutches.’ Five days later this man was jumping over fences! He beamed with happiness and showed me his war invalid ID card.
I also met an old man sitting in a wheelchair. He had lost his healing. People had told him that his healing would not last and that Gröning was a charlatan. He had believed their words.
The place was full of people day and night. The whole time I was at the Traberhof I was not hungry. There was no hysteria among the masses. They all hoped and believed that they would regain their health. When I saw these people lying on stretchers and propped on their crutches, I was so inwardly moved, that I could not talk and could barely look at them.
I think Bruno Gröning had a very special bond with God. I regretted that I was not able to encounter him more often. Today I still often think about what I experienced.”
Eyewitness Report
Healing from constipation and embolism. “That event was the talk of the town”
At the same time that people were waiting for help at the Wilhelmsplatz, events like the following were taking place elsewhere.
Doctors had given up on the mother of our eye-witness. She had had no bowel movement for six weeks. Enemas and laxatives had no effect. She also had an embolism.
Eye-witness: “We, all the family members, were at our wits’ end. We grasped at every straw that could help our mother. This was the situation when we heard that Bruno Gröning was here in Herford with a very sick person in Wittekind Street. I went there. There were already twenty other people, all of them seeking help. When Bruno Gröning came out to greet us, he said to me, ‘Wait for me in the kitchen. This evening I’ll go with you to your mother.’ I don’t know how he knew that I had come because of my mother. I had said nothing to him.
While waiting in the kitchen, I witnessed the following scene: A mother arrived with her child who had terrible whooping cough. We had already heard this dreadful whooping from afar. The child and the mother were led into the kitchen. Bruno Gröning stroked the child’s hair tenderly. Turning to the mother, he said, ‘Pay attention to your child. In a quarter of an hour she will vomit yellow mucus.’ Then he left the kitchen to attend to the other people. Suddenly the child began to retch. I just managed to pick her up and hold her over the coal box before she vomited. I had never seen such an attack of vomiting in my life. Later Bruno Gröning said to the mother, ‘Your child is healthy…’ She left, and the girl did not cough again.
At midnight we drove to see my mother in Bielefeld. While we were on our way, Bruno Gröning said that I should not worry, as the healing power comes from God. A human being must believe in the Good. Furthermore, Bruno Gröning told me that he was already now, during our trip in the car, attending to my mother; indeed, he was spiritually focusing on her.
When we entered my mother’s bedroom, Bruno Gröning sat down on her bed. To my great joy, I saw that her eyes were already noticeably clearer. Her stomach, however, was swollen like a barrel. Bruno Gröning then spoke to her, and I could see how the joy of life flowed back into my mother. Her heart opened to Bruno Gröning; she believed in him. He asked for a glass of water for my mother and said that it would do her good. I fetched fresh water from the pump in the yard, and my mother drank it. Bruno Gröning then turned to my father and said, ‘Pay attention to the stools and urine of your wife. You will be amazed how everything is loosening up inside and at what will come out.’ My father asked Bruno Gröning what he should pay him. Bruno Gröning simply said, ‘We should thank God, and write a letter of appreciation outlining what we have experienced.’
The next day my mother’s stomach started to rumble. Father said that the stools she passed filled seven pans. Two days later my mother got out of bed, completely healed. From that moment, her ulcerated legs and varicose veins were also completely healed, without any medical attention. Her doctor was speechless. This event was the main topic of conversation in our village.
When I looked Bruno Gröning in the eyes, I knew. Here is a true believer! His personal charisma was unique. If anyone had told me about such an experience before, I would have thought, ‘Come on, you’re crazy!’ But you have to experience it for yourself to be able to believe it. This event was a unique experience for me.”
Eyewitness L. Schlüter
Healing from deafness, blindness, paralysis, in Herford. Gröning's energy said more than a thousand words
Herford, a town in Westphalia, was where Bruno Gröning’s work began on a large scale, and where the press issued the first reports of what was happening there. Thousands of people seeking help came from near and far to experience healing. Among the crowds stood Mrs. Schlüter and her blind mother-in law. The latter was physically very weak and always needed help with her daily washing and getting dressed.
Mrs. Schlüter reported as follows: “I learned about the many healings from a magazine. The pictures showed what was happening in Herford, and I said to myself, you must go there with your mother-in-law!
Packed like sardines in a tin, we stood among all these people in front of house number 7 in Wilhelmplatz. On our right there were around 30 people in their wheelchairs. We all waited and waited. Nobody spoke. Everyone was in suspense and kept looking up to the balcony where Bruno Gröning was to appear. It was already very late in the evening when somebody came out on the balcony to pacify us. He said Bruno Gröning was still busy with other people needing help. ‘Be patient! Bruno Gröning will definitely come!’ And so we waited. Three days and three nights.
Suddenly Bruno Gröning was there, and everyone was overjoyed. He began to speak, telling us that we all needed help and healing and God was the greatest doctor for all mankind. Then he called on the paralyzed people to get up from their wheelchairs. ‘You can walk! Get up!’ Nobody moved. Again he encouraged them to have faith in God and stand up. ‘Just believe that you can do it; stand up!’ Then, one after the other, they stood up. They could walk! Nobody could believe what they saw. We were all speechless. People began to cry when they saw it.
Then Bruno Gröning said, 'I would like everyone who is blind and deaf-mute to come to the front door of the house.’ So we went there and he spoke to these people, also to my mother-in-law. He took a two-year-old girl from her mother’s arms. She was deaf-mute. Mr. Gröning stroked the child and spoke to her. Then he held a tuning-fork to the child’s ear. She turned her head towards it. It was quite obvious that the child could now hear. Another child recovered his sight. These were the most moving scenes I’ve ever seen in my life.
Later we went home. My mother-in-law had recovered her sight to the extent that she could move freely around her house on her own. Her general condition also improved, and she no longer needed the daily help with dressing and washing that she’d had to have before.
Bruno Gröning was simply dressed, like everyone else, but he radiated love like nobody else. One could trust him immediately. His energy said more than a thousand words.”
목격자 H.Steurer
브루노 그뢰닝, 전쟁 참전 군인을 돕다
브루노 그뢰닝은 도움을 구하는 사람들을 위해 자주 기차로 여행했습니다. 이하는
이러한 여정 중에 발생한 일입니다.
Eyewitness H. Steurer Bruno Gröning helps a war veteran 목격자 H.Steurer 브루노 그뢰닝, 전쟁 참전 군인을 돕다 ! 브루노 그뢰닝은 도움을 구하는 사람들을 위해 자주 기차로 여행했습니다. 이하는 이러한 여정 중에 발생한 일입니다. H.Steurer: “브루노 그뢰닝이 탄 기차가 인스부르크 역에 도착했는데 이곳은 잠시 멈추어 가는 정차역이었습니다. 브루노 그뢰닝은 창문을 내려 밖을 쳐다보았습니 다. 나는 우연히 열차 플랫폼에 서있었고 큰 고통을 안고 있었습니다.
나는 그가 고통받는 사람들을 도와준 일에 대해 읽은 적이 있었습니다. 그런데 지금 저기에 그가 열차 창문 너머로 밖을 내다보고 있는 것이었습니다. 나는 그에게로 가 서 부디 나를 도와달라고 부탁했습니다. 굉장히 큰 통증에 고통받고 있다고요. 그는 일어서더니 그의 자리로 돌아갔다가 다시 나에게로 와서 양철공 하나를 창밖 으로 던졌습니다. 아픈 부위로 그 공을 가져가라고 했고, 반드시 기도해야만 한다고 말했습니다. 그리고 열차가 다시 움직이기 시작했습니다.
내 통증은 지뢰 폭발로 입게 된 파열 부상으로 오른쪽 눈과 팔을 잃었습니다. 나는 그의 조언을 따라 즉시 공을 내 몸 가까이 가져갔는데 순식간에 통증이 사라졌 고 다시는 재발하지 않았습니다. 그 순간부터 그뢰닝씨는 특별하고 강렬한 인상으로 저에게 남게 되었습니다. 저는 여기 진실로 도움을 줄 수 있는 사람이 있었다고 느꼈습니다. 그는 공의 값을 요구 하지도 않았고 그저 이타적으로 나를 도와주었습니다.“