Ozdravitve depresije

Ozdravitev težkih depresij in post-travmatskih obremenitvenih motenj (PTOM)
R. Z. (43), Melbourne (Avstralija)
Že kot otrok sem bila depresivna. Oče je bil do mene pogosto nasilen. Venomer sem bila tiha, strašljiva ter sem slabo spala. Pri devetih letih sem bila zlorabljena. Družina je vedela za to, a storila ni ničesar. Pri 16-ih sem se hotela ubiti in sem zaužila prevelik odmerek tablet – »neuspešno«. V šoli sem padla pri vseh predmetih. Zaradi tega sem se še bolj sovražila in verjela, da nisem za nobeno rabo. Pri 18-ih sem se odselila od doma. Od 22-ega leta dalje sem bila v psihiatrični oskrbi. Zaradi stranskih učinkov, zdravil nisem jemala. Zakon mi je razpadel po treh letih in psihiater mi je dejal, da zame ne more storiti več ničesar. Za mano je ostajala odisejada psihologov, psihiatrov, zdravnikov, bolnišnic, duhovnih zdravilcev in zdravilcev. Pri vsakem spominu na preteklost se mi je telo razgrajevalo. Skrivala sem se in doživljala napade panike, kot bi bil srčni infarkt. Nato sem za več ur padla v nezavest. Vrata sem imela zaklenjena in med urami jokanja vsakokrat zaspala. Depresije, strahovi in napadi panike so bili enostavno prehudi in v letu 2003 so me sprejeli v psihiatrično bolnišnico. Po testiranjih so mi predpisali zdravila (Cipramil, nato Avanza = Mirtazepam), ki so mi tudi pomagala. Mislila sem, da je sedaj vse v redu, toda v moji duši je bilo še vedno nekaj, kar je kričalo naglas. V letu 2005 sem se poskušala s pomočjo psihiatra odvaditi jemanja zdravil. Ko sem količino tablet zmanjšala na eno, so se pričeli odtegnitveni simptomi. Pojavili so se izbruhi znojenja, bolečine, strah, tresenje, slabosti in klavstrofobija. Odločila sem se za nadaljnje jemanje zdravil. Predpisali so mi tablete za spanje in Valium proti odstavitvenem sindromu. Toda, ko sem povišala odmerek ponovno na 60 mg, so vsi simptomi prenehali. To je bilo zame veliko razočaranje, saj sem sedaj sprevidela, da sem bila od teh zdravil zelo odvisna. Imela sem občutek, da bom morala vso nadaljnje življenje preživeti s terapijo in pri zdravnikih. Depresije so bile tako močne, da sem veliko jokala še naprej, imela povsod bolečine ter želela končati svoje življenje. Samomor naj bi storila 1. julija 2007.

Healing from severe depression and anxiety disorder
E. B. (50), Ergoldsbach (Germany)
In the year 1995, an ominous situation developed at my workplace - mobile nursing care - mobbing was becoming widespread. This caused me to develop permanent anxiety, and I could hardly do my job any more. In 1997, my frame of mind was so shattered that, for example, I was neither able to fill a syringe nor administer intramuscular Injections. At home I could no longer calm down, and I was plagued by thoughts of suicide. A neurologist had me admitted to the district hospital because of acute self-endangerment. At first I was completely sedated, so that I hardly perceived anything. After eight weeks without significant improvement I was released at my own risk on the condition that I undergo psychiatric treatment. On the one hand the prescribed medication did help me to somehow be active, but on the other hand everything was insensitive and mechanical. In the end it helped just as little as conversational therapy.

Healing from alcohol addiction and depression
J. L. (54), Buffalo (USA)
Shortly after my 18th birthday (1968) I began to drink beer and schnapps. I would drink 12 to 18 beers a day from Monday to Sunday. It was normal for me at the time to come home from work, change clothes, go to my favourite hangout and stay there until three o’clock in the morning. Then I would get up at seven o’clock and go to work, always with a terrible hangover. I was working in the construction industry at the time. This happened day after day. Thus it became the pattern of my life. Today I can’t understand how I was able to survive for 35 years with such excessive alcohol consumption.
Healing of depression
Mrs N. D. (49), Frankfurt (Germany)
I was often nervous, reacted irritably at the slightest thing and felt oppressed to the point of suffocation. A Russian healer gave me some relief through a laying on of hands, but it only lasted a short while.
My introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning released a real revolution within me. I hardly slept and my whole body was in turmoil. After about three weeks, it was as if all my emotional problems had been blown away. I feel free, happy and like a person of value with faith in the future.
Healing of depression
Mrs M. L. (42), Bebra (Germany)
Before I found my way to the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, I had suffered from depression for over six years with bouts of anxiety, and had no interest in everyday events. Even getting up in the morning was a torment. I was afraid of every situation I encountered. I was often unable to think clearly, sat without any interest in what was going on around me and the lightest housework was beyond me. I took various medicines in differing strengths, first Baldrian, then Demetrin, Tofranil and Saroten tablets.
Five days after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and absorbing the healing stream, all my problems were simply gone. Since then I have not had an attack of anxiety. I get up easily in the morning and I take an interest in all my daily activities. I no longer need medication and am free from depression.
Healing of depression
Mrs E. G. (64), Heidelberg (Germany)
In 1985, at the age of 59, I was laid off work. This came as such a shock that I fell into a deep depression. I could no longer sleep at night, neglected my flat, was unsociable and apathetic and lacked the courage to go out shopping. I began to cry whenever somebody spoke to me. For over four years, I received injections of Vitamin B12 and Imap (neuroleptic drug with depot effect) with no result. At the time of my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in November 1989, I was at an all-time low.
Immediately after my introduction, I pulled myself together and since then my flat has always been in order. After three weeks I felt as if the years of depression had never been. Since then, I have been free from depression, and every form of apathy or withdrawal has simply disappeared. I have also been able to discontinue my medication.
Healing of depression
Mr R. B. (25), Linz (Austria)
For three years I suffered from depression which manifested as
follows: difficulty in breathing, suicidal tendencies, loneliness, fear of people, no interest in anything, joylessness, nightmares and vomiting. I was almost continually in bed. Before examinations I lost all self-confidence and often cancelled at the last moment. Psychotherapeutic treatment brought only temporary improvement.
Soon after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in March 1995, I suddenly felt a surge of power and an emotional freedom so that for the first time in a long while, I simply laughed because I felt wonderful. I have an unexpected zest for life, no longer feel tired and am truly healthy.