Izcelitev parkinsonove bolezni

Heilung von Parkinson-Syndrom, Divertikulose und Tinnitus

Healing from Parkinson's disease, diverticulosis and tinnitus

Maria Schoppenhauer (81), Germany

In April 2000 I learned of Bruno Gröning in an article in the magazine "DasNeue Blatt" and was introduced to his teachings in early May. I immediately felt the Healing Stream and stopped trembling. The muscle pain and continuous back pain also disappeared at once and I was able to sleep without pain again after so many years. Since then I have been able to move freely. My fine motor skills, too, were all right, even for sewing.

Preberi več

Healing of parkinson's disease

Mrs T. D. (73), Bremen (Germany)

In September 1990 my arms began to shake continuously so that I could not even perform small tasks. The medical diagnosis was Parkinson's disease. The prescribed medication did not help me much.

In March 1991 I came across the teachings of Bruno Gröning. I felt the healing stream immediately and, on the morning following my introduction, the shaking in my arms was gone. This spontaneous healing continues to date.


Dokumentarni film:
Bruno Gröning”

Termini predstav v mnogih mestih po celem svetu

Založba Grete Häusler

Založba Grete Häusler: Velik izbor knjig, revij, CD-jev, DVD-jev in koledarjev

Znanstveniki imajo besedo

Znanstveniki imajo besedo: Zanimivi vidiki učenja Bruna Gröninga