Healing from 43 years of chronic spinal pain
Andrzej Kosienkowski (67), Warschau (Poland)

In 1965 I was serving in the military as a quarryman. While my colleague and I were lifting a very large, heavy tree stump, something suddenly snapped in my back and I felt a severe, sharp pain in my back. Since that time I have been accompanied by very severe pain in the lumbo-sacral region which restricted many of my functions such as standing, sitting, lying and even breathing. X-rays of the thoracic and lumbo-sacral areas of the spine indicated degenerative changes with osseous extensions on the lumbar vertebrae, a thickened and calcified anterior longitudinal ligament, a transitional thoraco-lumbar vertebra and horizontal sacral tilt. Tablets, injections, salves, suppositories, therapeutic measures and two stays at cure clinics merely brought short and temporary easing of the pain and a temporary, slightly increased performance ability. This nightmare lasted 43 years. My stiff spine made walking and physical work difficult for me. Since I couldn’t stretch myself, my physique changed with time. To avoid sudden attacks of pain I always moved very slowly. Sitting and getting up from a chair or bed required great effort. I was dependent on help. If I suddenly bent over I immediately felt severe pain which radiated into my buttocks and legs, making it impossible for me to straighten myself. I had the feeling as if someone were tearing my legs out of my trunk. For this reason I had to call the emergency doctor about every two months from work, while on the road or at home. I was only able to move about more or less normally again after medical help. I gave up swimming, cycling and garden work during this time
Getting to the bottom of the matter
I learned of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends for the first time from a television program. I found the report very interesting. In 2008 I read an article on Bruno Gröning in the magazine, ’Die unbekannte Welt’ (’The Unknown World’, ed.). The address of the community in Warsaw was provided, and I decided to get to the bottom of the matter. On June 7, 2008, I was introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning.
Everything took a turn for the better in my life
I was skeptical at first, above all because I didn’t feel the “Heilstrom“ in my body. I wasn’t attending the community hours regularly, nor did I do einstellen to receive the Heilstrom at home. But when I noticed after a few months that I no longer took painkillers, I realized that something was indeed happening, but wasn’t yet able to regard the pain as Regelungen. From early 2009 on, I regularly attended the community hours and also did einstellen at home.
My condition gradually improved unnoticed within a year, along with the return of my physical abilities. I can do heavy physical work again, lift weights, bend over, work in the garden, and go cycling and swimming. I have also painted the walls in my apartment and lay flooring myself. It is a great blessing for me to be able to accomplish something in life. I am also calm and peaceful in my environment - understanding, serene, and able to cope in all situations. Now everything has taken a turn for the better in my life. I am grateful for the blessing of the healing of my body and spirit.
Doctor’s commentary:
Mr. Kosienkowski’s report indicates a chronic and progressive ailment which had lasted 43 years, despite manifold and regular medical treatment. Such cases are considered to be incurable medically. As a doctor with 20 years of experience, on the basis of the medical records I would tend to expect a progression of the illness’ symptoms. Therefore the complete disappearance of the ailments and the gaining of complete physical performance ability as described in the report are extraordinary and inexplicable.
I. S., M.D.