Healing from Alcoholism
G.F. (39), Cologne, Germany
G.F. began to drink beer when he was 15. By the time he was 20, he was drinking 20 bottles of beer a day. If he drank less than eight bottles of beer in the evening, he experienced withdrawal symptoms in the form of itching, nervousness and insomnia. Through a colleague he learned about Bruno Gröning. After absorbing the healing power for more than a year, he was able to stop drinking alcohol from one day to the next without any withdrawal symptoms.
Osvoboditev od drog s pomočjo učenja Bruna Gröninga
Številne ozdravitve odvisnosti od drog in alkohola, pa tudi prisilnega igranja iger, dokazujejo, da učenje Bruna Gröninga tudi na tem področju omogoča pomoč in ozdravitev. Posamezne usode, ki so tema teh poročil, se nas osebno dotaknejo.
Z učenjem Bruna Gröninga in sprejemom Heilstrom vsakdo lahko prejme moč, da premaga zasvojenost z drogo. Pri tem lahko pomagajo tudi bližnji, s tem da sprejmejo moč za prizadete.