Healing from 40 years of migraines
Annegrete Schmidt (60), Heide (Germany)

At 11 years of age, I often got severe headaches, which became more intense in the following years. At about 18, I would have migraine-like headaches at least every four weeks that lasted a full three days, and in especially severe cases five days. My father, too, suffered all his life from the same ailment.
I often cried in desperation
The migraine attack always began with very severe pain which would move up from my neck to my forehead. The entire left half of my face, including my scalp, would become numb and insensitive. As a housewife on a farm I was no longer in a position to handle my work. Only the barest necessities were taken care of. The continual severe pain very often triggered nausea, vomiting, and auditory disturbances. I had the impression I was hearing all sounds as if through cotton wool. I would then lie down in bed, try to find a tolerable position, and would then often cry in complete desperation over the pain. After three to five days, the complaints would disappear, however the feeling of numbness in the left side of my face and scalp would continue for two more days. My husband and our two children would take over my work, which bothered me even more, often prompting me to do my housework in spite of the terrible pain. My head and the areas of my neck and shoulders were so sensitive that I was unable to wear hats or jackets.
The doctors could find nothing
A CAT scan at the hospital was without result. The medical diagnosis was migraines. At first, the medications ASS-ratiopharm 500 and Formigran alleviated the symptoms, but as time went on nothing at all helped. Later I lived with the migraines without further contact with a doctor. In the year before my introduction, these severe migraine attacks occurred about every two weeks, more or less.
I couldn't forget the message in the flyer
A flyer in my mother's mailbox referred to an information lecture in Heide on healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. The message in the flyer haunted me. Years before I had often thought, “there must be something that can help me“. Then I knew, “I've got to drive there now!” Since none of my relatives wanted to accompany me, I drove the 50 kilometers to Heide alone. On that day I had no migraine, sat in the info-lecture, and listened attentively with curiosity.
“He who follows is successful” (Bruno Gröning)
At the end of the lecture, the speaker said that we should no longer think of the complaints and ailments, take on no negative thoughts, and instead imagine something beautiful. The absorption of the Heilstrom was explained and I also did it like that. During the beautiful music I saw myself in the South Pacific under palms by the blue sea. I perceived a pulling and stabbing which stopped during the music. After that, I felt full of energy and drove home impressed. I had Regulations on the following two days in the form of a light headache. Since then I have experienced no more migraine attacks. In July, 2009 I was introduced to the teaching. At first I felt a tingling in the left half of my face during the community hours. Now I am able to take care of my daily tasks in the household and on the farm again. I am totally able to handle stress again and was even able to master alone all the preparations for 46 people for my father-in-law's birthday party. I am able to take and enjoy three-day trips with the Rural Women's Society without having to drop out or being tormented by migraines during those days. My husband and my children were astounded at the absence of the migraines and are now happy to have a fun-loving wife and mother.
Medical commentary:
As a rule, such migraines with so many accompanying symptoms persist until the end of one’s life. Although spontaneous post-menopausal healings are known to occur in rare cases, this healing after 40 years was not to be expected. It came about during the first lecture on the teaching of Bruno Gröning, which is very remarkable and medically inexplicable. The chronological relationship between the teaching of Bruno Gröning and the absorption of the healing energy is obvious.
F. H., Physician