Respect for the free will

Everyone is at any time free to choose his own path

Freier WilleIn accordance with the teaching of Bruno Gröning the free will is the highest attribute of man. Gröning said: "I may help someone to find the way towards the good but may neither take away his choice about it nor force him to do good. Everyone must find his own way himself."

The protection of the freedom of the will is consistently put into practice as an essential basis of the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Membership in the Circle of Friends leads to no legal, financial or religious ties or obligations, can be immediately dissolved, and is thus comparable to a good personal friendship.

Most help-seekers are initially very sceptical and want first to convince themselves of everything. Bruno Gröning says of this: "Please, please do not be credulous! Today I say, as always, `You do not have to believe what I say!´ I also do not require it. A duty which you do have is to convince yourself!" Trust in the teachings of Bruno Gröning grows with the practical experience of help and healings on your own body, and this strengthens the belief that God is the Great Physician. Feeling the Heilstrom and the experience of success provide a lasting stimulus to many friends to continue on the spiritual way and to desire to learn and experience more and more.

Become the master of your own life with spiritual maturity

The teaching of Bruno Gröning is aimed at helping the friends to stay spiritually mature and to deal with it consciously, to assume the responsibility for themselves. Bruno Gröning said, "I want you to become masters of life! Everyone is the architect of his own future, for man reaps what he sows." Everyone may make mistakes, but he must take the consequences for his actions according to the natural law of cause and effect which is valid for all mankind. However, personal experiences can be acquired much more simply and faster when the spiritual principles are known. By regular exchange of experience reports amongst themselves, the friends stimulate a quick spiritual development. "One helps the other, God helps us all", said Bruno Gröning.



Documentary film:
„The Phenomenon
Bruno Gröning”

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Scientists have their say: Interesting aspects
of the teaching of Bruno Gröning