Psychological healings

In the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends, thousands of helps and healings have been recorded in writing since 1992, when the Medical-Scientific Group was founded. Since there are always new healings happening all over the world, the archive is constantly being supplemented with more reports. Additional healings are continually being added to this website as well. Here you will find a small selection of success reports of healings of a psychological nature.

Healing from Alcoholism and depression

John Leiker, USA

John Leiker was an alcoholic for 35 years and drank 17 bottles of beer a day. He suffered from severe depression and tried to end his life twice. His condition was hopeless. At a lecture about the teaching of Bruno Gröning, he experienced a spontaneous and permanent healing from alcoholism. Six months later he felt a strong power which flowed from his legs to his head and freed him of all mental health problems.


Documentary film:
„The Phenomenon
Bruno Gröning”

Screening dates in many cities worldwide

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler Publishing House: A large selection of books, magazines, CD's, DVD's and calendars


Scientists have their say: Interesting aspects
of the teaching of Bruno Gröning