New paths and dead ends

Profiteers around Gröning

Bruno Gröning und Otto Meckelburg

A self-appointed Gröning manager with exclusive rights

Out of gratitude for the healing of his wife, the Wangerooge businessman Otto Meckelburg supported Bruno Gröning and laid out concrete plans for the establishment of healing centers. Bruno Gröning went along with this, and Meckelburg became his “manager.”

At the end of December, 1949, they both went to Wangerooge. Here Gröning spoke at events organized by Meckelburg and worked innumerable healings. He gave the man his complete trust. In a certified statement made on 8 January 1950 in Wangerooge, he laid the future plans for his work entirely in Meckelburg's hands.

“Mr. Gröning consented to Mr. Meckelburg’s plan and committed to making himself fully available to achieving this goal, that is, to give Meckelburg all necessary support, and to do everything in his power in relation to the intended founding of an association, and for the association itself in its ensuing activities, and to do everything that could be of service to the aforementioned goals. Mr. Gröning assumes this responsibility towards Mr. Meckelburg personally, and also towards the association with the above mentioned goals, which was in the process of being founded. Furthermore, Mr. Gröning committed to not provide this support for any other person or group. He would conduct his activities only in the context of the association and only with Mr. Meckelburg's consent.”

As early as January, Meckelburg founded the Association for the Investigation of Gröning’s Healing Methods . He himself was Managing Director and drew a monthly salary of 1,000 DM. Bruno Gröning received nothing. It became evident that Meckelburg was not keeping his promise. He saw in Gröning a goldmine and demeaningly described him as ‘the best horse in my stable.’ The sick were of no consequence to him. He had bound Gröning to himself with a contract, and the “Miracle Healer” had to do whatever he, Meckelburg, wanted.

It was not until June, 1950, that Gröning managed to free himself from Meckelburg, whereupon Meckelburg swore that he would gain revenge. “I'll reduce Gröning to nothing; I’ll break every bone in his body.”

A health practioner with lecture offers

Immediately after this, Gröning worked for several months with the natural health practitioner Eugen Enderlin in Munich. He had received a healing at the Traberhof and offered Gröning the opportunity to hold lectures at his practice. But Enderlin also turned out to want to gain a business advantage. He wasn't interested in helping, but wanted to make money off of the “Gröning Phenomenon.” Towards the end of the year Gröning parted from him, and a further partnership in 1952-53 failed for the same reasons.

A Careerist Healer

In the period following this, Gröning held lectures in the Weikersheim boarding house in Graefelfing. The journalist Dr. Kurt Trampler took him in and organized the meetings. He’d known Gröning since the autumn of 1949. He had been sent to the ‘Traberhof” to produce a report for a Munich newspaper and had unexpectedly been healed of a leg complaint. In gratitude, he wrote the book The Great Turnaround and took up Gröning's case with the authorities. As with Enderlin, the lectures in Graefelfing were well attended. Unbelievable healings took place. But the partnership with Trampler didn't survive, either. One day Trampler believed he had learnt enough from Gröning, and he broke away and set up independently as a healer.


Documentary film:
„The Phenomenon
Bruno Gröning”

Screening dates in many cities worldwide

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Scientists have their say: Interesting aspects
of the teaching of Bruno Gröning