Uzdrowienia z niepełnosprawności po chemioterapii

Healing from Polyneuropathy of the legs after chemotherapy and radiation treatment

Gertrud M. (62)

When I learned from a friend of the teaching of Bruno Gröning, I was emotionally and physically a human wreck. It was in December 2001. What did this Bruno Gröning have to say to me? I had always believed in God and also prayed, however what I then experienced was new to me. They said I should separate myself from everything bad for me. I did that mentally and was actually able to perceive the Heilstrom. This feeling of absorption of energy was strangely familiar to me.

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Film dokumentalny:
Bruno Gröning”

Terminy wyświetlania w wielu miastach na całym świecie

Grete Häusler-Verlag

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Naukowcy dochodzą do głosu: Interesujące aspekty nauki Bruno Gröninga