Uzdrowienia z uszkodzeń nerwów (polineuropatia)

Heilung von Polyneuropathie

Healing from polyneuropathy

Heike Noack (38), Berlin (Germany)

Since 1988, when I was 23 years old, I suffered more and more frequently from nausea, dizziness, vertigo and exhaustion. In spite of medication (Rökan), there was no lasting improvement. My condition worsened significantly in 1992. Cramping pain occurred sporadically in my arms and legs, especially after any effort. I suffered from increasing disorientation, mostly after getting up or in the dark, and sweat attacks. Sometimes everything went black before my eyes.

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Film dokumentalny:
Bruno Gröning”

Terminy wyświetlania w wielu miastach na całym świecie

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Wydawnictwo Grete Häusler: Duży wybór książek, czasopism, CD, DVD i kalendarzy


Naukowcy dochodzą do głosu: Interesujące aspekty nauki Bruno Gröninga