Healings of muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis)

Bruno Gröning, Heilung, Heilungen, geistiges Heilen, geistige Heilung, Gesundheit, Hilfe, Muskelschwäche, Myasthenia gravis

Healing of muscle weakness (myasthenia gravis)

Erika Kästner (53), Pirmasens (Germany)

In the year 1992 my left eyelid began to sag and I saw everything double. Two weeks later my right eye was also affected. In order to see I had to push both eyelids up with my hand. Finally my eye doctor explained to me that the disorder was attributable to the autoimmune disease myasthenia gravis. The result was a progressive paralysis of the musculature. On his recommendation I was thoroughly examined at a university hospital. The diagnosis was confirmed in the neurology department.



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