Healings of deformities of the bunion (hallux valgus)


Healing of bunions

Mrs I. H. (63), Bebra (Germany)

In 1967 I began to develop prominent bunions on both feet as well as hammer toes. Eventually I could only wear shoes made of extremely soft leather. In summer I had to wear open sandals otherwise the skin of my toes was chafed open. I did not have medical treatment.

About a year after I had begun to apply the teachings of Bruno Gröning I noticed that the bunions were shrinking. In the meantime the left hammer toe has straightened out. I no longer have problems with shoes or with walking.

Healing of bunions

Mrs U. G. (56), Cologne (Germany)

In 1985 I began to develop prominent bunions on the top and side of both big toes. As a result my feet looked very deformed. They became red and swollen and the skin had a shiny appearance. Occasionally I was in pain when I walked and I could only wear wide, shapeless shoes.

In June 1989 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. When I looked at my feet at the beginning of 1993 I noticed that the bunions were almost gone. Now the bones of my feet are straight again and my feet are slim. I can wear every shoe and walk without pain.


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“Бруно Грёнингийн гайхамшигт үзэгдэл”

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Грете Хойслер хэвлэл: Ном, сэтгүүл, CD, DVD, хуанлийн өргөн сонголт бий


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