Healings of tonsillitis

Healing of chronic tonsillitis

Mrs C. D. (23), Münster (Germany)

From the age of about 14 I suffered increasingly from tonsillitis; my tonsils were often infected and sometimes I had fever. In the last few years the condition became chronic, Practically every day I sucked tablets for the pain, also antibiotic ones, and gargled with anti-inflammatory solutions. Several doctors advised me to have my tonsils removed as in their infected state the constant discharge of poison could seriously damage my body. I rejected this suggestion. I was in almost constant pain.

About four to five months after my introduction I no longer needed to take pain killers or other medicines. I am without pain and my tonsils are free of pus.

Healing of chronic tonsillitis

Mr H. J. (24), Bremen (Germany)

From the age of 15 I had tonsillitis twice every winter with severe swallowing difficulties and fever. My doctor prescribed penicillin.

In the winter of 1990, a year after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I did not have tonsillitis for the first time in years. From then onwards I have been free from this problem.

Healing of chronic tonsillitis

Mrs A. S. (22), Oldenburg (Germany)

Already as a child, and in later years in the spring and autumn I had tonsillitis. My tonsils were swollen and infected, I had difficulty swallowing and I had high fever. My doctor prescribed penicillin for 10-14 days. But the tonsillitis kept recurring.

Since attuning myself regularly to the healing stream from October 1989 I had three more attacks of tonsillitis in the next eleven months. Since then and to date I have had no further problems.

Healing of chronic tonsillitis

K. S. about her daughter S. (14), Eupen (Belgium)

Since she was a little girl my daughter has had two or three attacks of tonsillitis every year, with fever and severe swallowing difficulties. Doses of antibiotics cleared up the condition after about a week but several months later it was back. As a result of the constant doses of antibiotics she developed fungal infections in her mouth and lower abdomen which, in turn, had to be treated with a solution and a powder.

Since August 1991 my daughter has regularly tuned in to the healing stream. In January 1992 she had one more attack of throat pains and fever. Since then she has never had tonsillitis again.


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