Healing from bronchial asthma

Lily Agbetsiafa (58), Accra (Ghana, Africa)

Lily Agbetsiafa (58), Accra (Ghana, Afrika)My suffering began when I was about 23 years old. The doctor diagnosed chronic asthma. I was accompanied by this for over 30 years. As time went on the attacks got worse and worse. They continued to occur, sometimes two or three times a day, and were sometimes very severe. It was very difficult for me to breathe or to get any air at all. I never had more than a week free from these attacks. My husband often took me to the hospital and, especially at night, my condition would often become so critical that I thought I would suffocate.

The Spray always at Hand

The inhaler spray was my regular companion; during the day it was in my pocket, at night ready for use under my pillow. Next to the tablets I had to take, it was an indispensable help during these attacks. I also tried out our traditional herbal medicine, but this provided little or no help. During all these years I worked in an office. The doctors diagnosed both allergic and non-allergic bronchial asthma. For example, I reacted to strong perfume, dust, and kitchen odors. Even cold drinks could trigger an attack.

Convinced it Was Incurable

None of the many doctors and none of the numerous therapies that were tried out - nothing was able to help me for long. Our family doctor, an in-patient physician at the city's teaching hospital, was available to me around the clock. Since in my homeland of Ghana and in my family, as well, asthma is regarded as an incurable disease, I just accepted it; moreover, my father and both of my older sisters had suffered from it until their deaths.

All of a sudden it was over with

In June, 2002, my husband brought me the introductory book to the teaching of Bruno Gröning, told me about all the "miracles" that this teaching had brought about in the lives of many people and said that I, too, could become well. Thus in July of 2002 I was introduced into the Accra Community, followed the teaching with much enthusiasm and did einstellen* regularly with my husband. I was convinced that I, too, would someday be healed. Reading the success reports encouraged me greatly. After a final massive attack on December 12, 2004, I perceived the next morning, December 13, that I was free. Since then I have never again had an attack and require neither medication nor inhaler sprays. I can now do everything, such as climbing steep stairs, staying in the kitchen with its typical odors, tolerate strong perfumes, etc.

Medical Commentary:

Bronchial asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract. When an attack occurs, the bronchial tubes contract, hindering breathing and causing shortness of breath. As is the case here, 80 % of afflicted adults have a mixed form of allergic and non-allergic bronchial asthma that is conventionally treated with cortisone and medication such as Sympathomimetika, Theophyllin and Anticholinergic drugs, which widen the bronchial tubes. This gave Ms. Agbetsiafa relief, but never led to a cure. After a 35-year tale of suffering at the level described, a healing was no longer to be expected. Therefore the sudden cure of Ms. Agbetsiafa is to be understood in connection with the absorption of the Heilstrom* according to the teaching of Bruno Gröning. It cannot be explained by orthodox medicine.


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