Healings of bronchitis

Heilung von 58 Jahren Stottern und 25 Jahren chronischer Bronchitis
Dorofej Ermolaevitsch Kurbatov (78) Gatschina, St. Petersburg (Russland)
Seit mehr als 25 Jahren hatte ich jährlich akute A
58년간의 말더듬과 25년간의 만성 기관지염의 치유
Dorofej E.K. 도로페이 이 케이 (78세) 상트 페테르부르크, 가치나 (러시아)
저는 25년간 심한 호흡기 질환을 앓아 왔습니다 – 기관지염, 발작적인 기침과 감기로 시달렸습니다. 저는 결핵 치유 센터에서 의사들에게 만성 기관지염을 진단받았습니다. 봄과 가을이 되면 특히 상태가 나빠졌고, 추워질 때도 상태는 악화하였습니다. 버스 정류장에서 장시간 서 있거나 발이 젖었을 때, 혹은 찬바람이 들어올 때도 증세는 심해졌습니다.
여러 가지 알약과 물약 외에도, 산소 흡입, 물리 치료 그리고 부항과 물리요법과 같은 치료들이 병행되었습니다. 의사들은 제가 금연해야 하며, 감기에 걸리지 않도록 조심해야 한다고 권고했습니다.
Healing of chronic bronchitis
Mrs C. K. (22), Wegberg (Germany)
From early childhood I suffered first from croup, then from chronic bronchitis, and, according to the time of year, I was either more - or less - affected. Our house doctor prescribed penicillin. My problem then extended to head colds, runny nose, fever, aching joints and general weakness.
My mother introduced me to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Some time later I developed a bad cough and a higher fever than usual. Two days later the cough and the fever were gone. Since then the cough has never returned.
Healing of chronic bronchitis
Mr R. G. (51), Cologne (Germany)
For 10 to 12 years I contracted bronchitis once or twice a year, usually accompanied by fever and a throat irritation that caused constant coughing and breathing difficulties. The medicines prescribed by my doctor cleared the condition in 14 days.
I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning in March 1991. At the time I had had a bad cough for two months, which disappeared after my introduction. To date I have never had bronchitis again.
Healing of chronic bronchitis
Mrs E. V. (53), Bochum (Germany)
I suffered from bronchitis for 5-6 years and by the time I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in May 1993, the intervals between the acute phases of attacks was down to three weeks. A deep-seated cough with a purulent discharge and nightly bouts of suffocation left me with little or no sleep over periods lasting two to three weeks. Anti-inflammatory and expectorant medications, antibiotics (Doxycyline), mustard plasters and teas gave me temporary relief and brought down the fever, but I coughed continuously between the acute stages and felt worn out and miserable.
In May 1993 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and my problems continued unabated for another five months until, at the end of October, I experienced the last acute phase. From then onwards the cough and feeling of weakness completely disappeared and I have never had another attack of bronchitis.
Healing of chronic bronchitis
Mrs M. B. (37), Frankfurt (Germany)
From 1977 I had bronchitis first once, then three to four times a year, with fever, breathing difficulties and pain from coughing. After 14 days of medication the attacks abated. My doctor spoke about chronic bronchitis.
Since my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning in 1991 I have not had another attack of bronchitis.