Healings of soft tissue rheumatism (fibromyalgia)

Sanación de migrañas, dolor crónico de espalda después de dos hernias de disco (ciática), dolor crónico de hombros (periartritis humeroscapularis), síndrome del túnel carpiano en la mano derecha y fibromialgia
Lilian Johannson (65), Rimini (Italia)
Sería una larga historia, si tuviera que contar en detalle la evolución de todas las enfermedades que he padecido, algunas de ellas, desde hacía décadas, hasta que finalmente, me liberé de una forma maravillosa gracias a la toma de la Heilstrom.

Healing from fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism) after 45 years
Els Frederiks (60), Sittard (Netherlands)
It had begun in my hands, back then in 1960. I was 14 years old at the time. I couldn't control my hands any more, they would regularly get cramps; it was very painful. At 15 I was operated on for the first time. At 21 there was a second operation on the muscles of both hands. But the cramps and pain remained. When I visited a rheumatologist at the age of 22, the pain had spread to my arms, shoulders, neck and part of my skeleton - especially the ribs. I even felt a strong pressure on my head, up on my skull. The doctor prescribed mud baths and painkillers. However, the permanent fatigue and the permanent pain in my bones and ribs remained unchanged.

Healing from fibromyalgia (soft tissue rheumatism)
Ida Morina (59), Rotterdam (Netherlands)
In 1999 I developed physical problems. It began with a stabbing pain in my right arm. Later came a continuing, gnawing pain which got worse on using the arm. My family doctor thought I had “tennis arm”. He prescribed physical therapy, which, however, brought only short-term improvement. As this wore off the pain spread through both hands and arms. It was similar to the pain described above. Because of the pain I was no longer able to do my housekeeping - washing and vacuuming, among other things. By April of 2002, these problems had become so severe that I was also unable to handle my job. Life became more and more difficult, I felt exhausted and didn’t feel like doing anything anymore.
Curación del reumatismo de partes blandas (enfermedades degenerativas/inflamatorias que no abarcan las articulaciones)
Sra. N. D. (49) los Eslavos del Sur (Alemania)
Desde hace 15 años sufría de dolores y de falta de fuerzas en los brazos, rodillas y espalda. Los dolores siempre estaban presentes de día y de noche. En una clínica reumatológica se me diagnosticó reumatismo de partes blandas, en una clínica ortopédica un sídroma de la columna vertebral. Fui tratada con medicamentos, ungüentos, fisioterapia, masajes y acupuntura sin que se lograra ningún éxito digno de mencionar.
Durante una conferencia de introducción a las enseñanzas de Bruno Gröning sentí primeramente un leve hormigueo en las manos, lo que en casa, en el transcurso de tres semanas se extendió por todo el cuerpo. Desde ese entonces ya no tengo ningún dolor.