Healing from bronchial asthma and grass pollen allergy
Werner Kirmer (59), Hoyerswerda (Germany)

I was burdened with bronchitis since childhood. My military service, to which I was called despite the fact that the bronchitis hadn’t healed, was “ended” after only 14 days. I spent it, so to speak, in the sick bay. After six months I was finally withdrawn from service. The diagnosis was “bronchial asthma”.
Fear of suffocation
The asthma attacks occurred again and again, especially under physical and emotional stress. I developed severe shortness of breath and was afraid of suffocating. The attacks were especially bad during the night hours. My family doctor prescribed medication for me such as ACC and theophylin tablets, as well as Berodual Respimat, an inhalator which fortunately brought me relief in acute attacks. In the years 1977, 1979, and 2000 I was sent for rest cures which, however, unfortunately brought no lasting improvement. As a non-smoker, I was puzzled. How come these continual asthma attacks occurred? What I did know was that they were triggered by infections and would usually last three or four weeks and occurred several times a year. Naturally I was on sick leave while they lasted. This was almost unbearable for me as a conscientious person and was, next to the actual illness, an additional emotional handicap. In the year 2004 I received a disability pension at 53 years of age. I just couldn’t keep up any more. Still, no improvement occurred.
Toward the end of the seventies it was determined that, in addition to the asthma, I also suffered from a grass pollen allergy. This would appear every year in the spring and autumn. The allergy was especially burdensome for me because I like to be outdoors. My nose would run continually, my eyes hurt and burned. After desensitization in 1978 and 1991, the allergy would only appear every year from the end of May until mid-June. I took Vividrin against the runny eyes.
End of the suffering
Then, when I learned of the teaching of Bruno Gröning through a friend in November of 2006, I was at first very skeptical. I was severely ill and had also lost hope over the years of unsuccessful treatment that anything would ever be able to help me at all. Finally, however, I got introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning on January 31, 2007, with the motto, “it can’t hurt!” I learned what the so-called “Heilstrom*“, which can also be called divine force, was all about and how you absorb it in your body. I did this regularly and attended the community hours. In time I learned how to mentally separate myself from burdens even though the symptoms still occurred. I no longer regarded the attacks as belonging to me. Naturally I continued to take the prescribed medication when infections began.
Hope through belief
AIn 2008 when the next asthma attack announced itself, I did einstellen especially intensively to this healing force and really had the heartfelt desire to become well. Suddenly I felt hope again. That triggered a strong physical reaction, and my entire body was really shaken up. Since that day I have been free from asthma and since then have neither taken medication nor needed the spray. No asthma attack has occurred with emotional or physical stress. I now go on longer cycling tours with my wife. I can also handle all required work in the house and garden with no restrictions.
The allergy, too, has gradually improved. In the years 2007 and 2008, I still noticed as always that a new allergy attack would announce itself with burning eyes and dripping nose. But I had meanwhile learned through the teaching of Bruno Gröning that the illness didn’t belong to me and that I had to mentally separate myself from it. It is noteworthy that I would always be free from complaints within three days, even though the external circumstances for the allergy were still present. In the year 2009 I succeeded in immediately thinking correctly, and one day after their appearance the first symptoms, too, would already be gone. Since then I have been free from complaints.
It was unbelievable for me to experience all of this. I naturally wanted to know for myself and tried to provoke reactions. I went to the haymaking and walked directly next to the harvest wagon, which would have been impossible before. Dust and pollen triggered no reaction. It has remained so. I have been granted a new life. I am socially active again, capable of handling physical and emotional stress, and very happy to have been healed from these complaints of many years’ duration. I can now enjoy the wonderful outdoors again in a carefree manner. My life has got a new quality, and I am very grateful for that.