Healing of chronic hip pain related to congenital malformation of the hip-joint (hip-joint dysplasia)
Fusako Koike (47), Tokio (Japan)

In 1990, when I was just 30 years of age, I made an eight-hour flight to Hawaii. Afterward I got terrible pain in both legs that continued a long time. The doctor who treated me said that I had a congenital hip-joint malformation. The doctor recommended two alternatives - an immediate operation, since it could only be carried out on young patients. I couldn't decide on that because the operation and following therapy is very prolonged (four years altogether) since only one leg can be operated on at a time. At the time, my son was still a baby, so the possibility was out of the question for me. The other alternative was a later operation, however by then my hips would already be so damaged by the premature wear that both hips would have to be completely replaced with artificial joints. There was no other alternative. I decided to wait.
Continual pain
The pain was always present and so severe that I could no longer do my housework properly. I would often have to lie down - especially after shopping or when I had to stand for a long time - since it was better when lying. I also tired very quickly. It was almost impossible to walk very long or clean the floor. I avoided climbing stairs completely. When the pain was especially severe I went to a healing practitioner for a massage. That happened about twice a month. At home I took warm baths in my bathtub. That would lessen the pain somewhat, but it was only of short duration. Therefore I took no medication. Over the years I somehow got used to the chronic pain and thought I just had to live with it. So it went through all the years until my introduction.
Otherwise I never had the desire to clean the floor
In the summer of 2003 I was very worried about my five-year-old son, and I confided in a friend. She told me about the teaching of Bruno Gröning and that she led a community in Tokyo. On November 10, 2003, I was introduced by her to the teaching of Bruno Gröning. I didn't think of the pain during the introduction. At home I always did einstellen regularly. However, I wasn't thinking of myself; I always requested healing for my son and sensed an increasing inner calm. Meanwhile, the hip pain, which by then I was able to regard as Regelung pain, decreased. After three or four weeks (early December of 2003) I suddenly had the desire to clean the floor. I normally never had this desire! I followed my impulse, and it went wonderfully without pain. I could hardly believe it and was extremely happy. Since that day I have been able to do all my housework without problems. My life is now much nicer, I can walk long distances again, climb stairs, do physical work - and am no longer physically exhausted.
Medical commentary:
According to the description of the problems and the statements of the treating doctor, this is obviously a case of chronic pain due to hip-joint dysplasia on both sides over a period of ten years. Usually a further increase in pain and restriction of joint function is to be expected where there is premature wear without appropriate therapy - particularly operative therapy - or in the advanced stage without an artificial joint replacement. That within three or four weeks after introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning a total liberation from pain should occur cannot be explained from a medical point of view.