Healings from Sudeck syndrome

Healing from Sudeck's syndrome
Vera Beritic (59), Split (Croatia)
When I broke my left shoulder on January 31, 1996 my life fundamentally changed. Related to this was a nerve paralysis (nervus radialis) of my left hand and forearm. Four weeks in a plaster cast followed. The hand was violet coloured and swollen. I had very severe pain. Because of an allergy I couldn't take any painkillers. After the cast was removed I received physiotherapy.

Healing from Sudeck‘s atrophy of the right foot
Velitschka Georgieva Schakanska (45), Bulgaria
Actually, everything should have been all right after a good three weeks in a plaster cast and the subsequent physical therapy. I had broken my right foot in October, 2004. Everything pointed toward a good healing process. However, in January, 2005 I suddenly got very severe pain in the same foot. The doctors told me it was Sudeck's atrophy. In spite of the pain medication and additional physical therapy, continual pain restricted my movement considerably.
Help after immobilising the knee in a cast
Mr W. W. (64), Heidelberg (Germany)
In 1981, at the age of 54, I injured my left knee. In July 1981, after four weeks of unsuccessful treatment, I underwent surgery. The medical diagnosis was damage to the meniscus, a torn ligament, split patella and damaged cartilage. I was in terrible pain. Three months after the operation, the knee was "mobilised" under a general anaesthetic, which meant it was bent and tied. Without success. This was the beginning of eleven years of martyrdom. Every type of treatment, medicine, injection, exercise and physiotherapy gave only temporary relief. In April 1982 I was diagnosed as having Sudeck's atrophy. Day and night I was in pain which was only slightly eased by pain killers. I could not leave home.
In February 1992, through the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I learned how to absorb the healing stream. Suddenly I was without pain for a whole day and such days became increasingly frequent. Today I am completely pain-free and have found my zest for life once again.
Help after immobilising the right lower arm in a cast
Mrs E. K. (50), Papenburg (Germany)
In June 1990, after the application of a plaster cast, I was diagnosed as having Sudeck's atrophy of the second degree. My fingers were stiff and bent like claws. The slightest touch caused me unbearable pains which spread to my shoulder and neck. They were so bad that I was nauseous. I could not raise my arm above my shoulder. Medicines and treatment (cortisone and Valium tablets, electric treatment, water therapy [kinotherapeutic baths], paraffin compresses, massage, lymph drainage) brought no improvement. The pain and restriction of movement remained. I could no longer continue my work as a cashier and had to apply for early retirement. I could hardly care for myself or my household (peeling potatoes, cleaning windows, ...)
In March 1992 I heard about the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Already during the introduction I noticed an improvement. I was able to stop all treatment in June 1992 and since February 1993 my fingers have been completely flexible and the pain has disappeared.