Healings of food allergy

Healing from allergy to flour dust, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, purulent otitis media, frontal and paranasal sinusitis
Peter Ettinger (55), Manching (Germany)
When I look back on the many decades of illness I often wonder, "How were you able to stand it?" The continual knee and back pain and the severe allergy to flour dust that rendered me incapable of working. Yes, and then there was the noise in my ears from childhood on - the tinnitus - and then the 50 years of ear aches and the 30 years of chronic sinusitis shouldn't be forgotten. It's easy to talk about, but you have to have experienced - better, suffered - it to understand my gratitude for being able to be well now - well through the teaching of Bruno Gröning, well through an energy, the existence of which I wouldn't have believed years ago - the Heilstrom.
Vindecarea de alergie faţă de diferite soiuri de nuci
Doamna A. P.(47), (Germania)
Timp de câţiva ani aveam mâncărime puternică pe limbă, în gât şi zona bronchială după ce mâncam nuci sau alune. În octombrie 1989 am fost întrodusă în învăţătura lui Bruno Gröning. Circa doi ani mai târziu am mâncat cu o colegă de-a mea hrana studenţilor (un amestec de diferite soiuri de nuci şi stafide - n. trad:) constatând că alergia n-a mai apărut.