Healings of alcohol addiction
Healing from alcohol and marijuana dependence
E. G. (39), Mistelbach (Austria)
When I was approximately ten years old I began to drink alcohol because I wanted to belong. Every day I went with my neighbour, a vintner, into his wine cellar to regularly drink wine (3-4 eighths, 375 ml). My parents were against this and forbade me to go, but I didn’t obey them. My school performance was also very weak. In the following years the amount kept increasing. At 14 I was already drinking a bottle of wine a day. When I began to go to discos during my job training I also drank high-proof on the weekends as well.
In 1985, at the age of 19, I first came into contact with drugs in the army. At first I smoked marijuana only on weekends. Due to an accident with my wrist followed by an operation when I was 12, I had severe wrist pain¸ especially whilst in the army and because of that I had increased my alcohol consumption so much that I often drank myself unconscious. Especially in the army I suffered so much from loneliness and lack of understanding that I wanted to put an end to my life.
Vindecarea de alcoolism
Domnul W. H. (37), (Germania)
Timp de 10 ani am avut probleme cu alocolul. Beam numai "tării" (whisky,coniac etc.) şi mereu mai mult decât trebuia. Nu beam zilnic, dar cantitatea se mărea din ce în ce mai mult. Dacă soţia mea lucra în schimbul de noapte beam până la o jumătate de litru de tărie. Soţia şi copiii ajunseseră pe ultimul plan.
Prin tatăl meu am făcut cunoştinţă în februarie 1990 cu invăţătura lui Bruno Gröning. Datorită învăţăturii şi punerii pe recepţie a puterii divine am putut termina cu băutul în decurs de 14 zile. Nu mi-a fost greu şi nici n-am poftă de alcool. Mă simt dea dreptul uşurat şi mă înţeleg din nou cu familia mea.