
The Phenomenon of Healing

The worldwide activities of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends

Das Phänomen der Heilung

Three-part documentary film

Due to extraordinary healings, Bruno Gröning made headlines around the world in the 1950s. When he died in 1959, many believed that this phenomenon had ended. But on the contrary, people on all continents are still attaining help and healing, thanks to the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Evidently Bruno Gröning had known in advance what nobody else had suspected. Towards the end of his life he said, "What my opponents had to do, they have done completely and with this, they have reached the end. Likewise, I have done what I had to do, but it is only the beginning."

The documentary film The Phenomenon of Healing impressively documents events that happened after 1959. Viewers learn how the work of Bruno Gröning developed after his passing, and of the great extent of help and healing on the spiritual path that is still happening today ‒ irrespective of religious affiliation, skin color and culture. Fascinating interviews, professional comments by doctors and personal reports from Bruno Gröning Friends from many countries, give a broad overview of the worldwide activities of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends.

For screening details go to:

Trailer (4 minutes)

At the side of Bruno Gröning

Grete Holzbauer's experiences with Bruno Gröning

DVD: An der Seite Bruno Grönings

A film by Thomas Eich

In the summer of 1950 the Austrian teacher Grete Holzbauer travels to a lecture of Bruno Gröning who was called by the press at the time the "miracle healer". She is merely accompanying her blind friend whom she wants to prevent from being treated by an alleged charlatan. When she returns home three days later, she herself is healed from three incurable ailments. Following this she experiences unbelievable things in her home country: sick people are healed when she merely tells them of her own healing and countless healings take place. Later she becomes a close collaborator of Bruno Gröning.

The three-part cinema documentary The Bruno Gröning phenomenon was followed by the film documentary At the side of Bruno Gröning depicting the historic events that occurred around this man. From the viewpoint of an initial sceptic, then healed person and later close collaborator, this film is a contemporary document of a special kind. Interviews, recordings of original sites, documentary material and re-enactments allow the spectator to experience the Bruno Gröning events very closely and give an insight into the spiritual coherence.

DVD available in the Internet shop of the Grete Häusler Ltd publishing house.

Fenomenul Bruno Gröning

Pe urmele „vindecătorului minune“

DVD: Fenomenul Bruno Gröning

Film documentar în 3 părți

În primăvara anului 1949, mii de oameni care căutau vindecarea se îndreptau în valuri spre Herford, o localitate din Westfalia. În toamna acelui an, o armată a suferinţei, de până la 30.000 de oameni bolnavi, venea zilnic la Traberhof, în Rosenheim. Toți aveau doar o singură țintă, pe faimosul „vindecător minune“ Bruno Gröning - așa cum l-a numit presa acelor vremuri. El era ultima lor speranță. Loviți de război, abandonați de către medici, acești oameni aveau doar o singură dorință: să se însănătoșească, să fie eliberați de dureri și de suferință. Iar Gröning trebuia să-i ajute ... și incredibilul s-a întâmplat.

Fenomenul Bruno Gröning prezintă evenimentele dramatice din acea vreme și merge pe urmele acestui om neobișnuit. În mod deschis, obiectiv și cu multă empatie, filmul prezintă etapele particulare din viața și activitatea sa.

Realizarea acestui film a durat 9 ani, au fost intervievați 80 de martori ai vremii, au fost reconstituite scene cu impact major și numeroase documente au fost filmate. Rezultatul este un film monumental. Un document istoric despre una dintre cele mai remarcabile personalități ale timpului său. 

Film projects

Making films in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends

Fotos von FilmaufnahmenWhen Bruno Gröning became well-known in 1949 there was enormous media interest. Not only the press and radio reported but also the film newsreels. Already in late summer of 1949 the Munich film producer Rolf Engler completed an extensive film documentary about Bruno Gröning which ran in cinemas in October 1949 drawing big audiences. Bruno Gröning placed himself entirely and completely at the disposal of the film makers and hoped for a truthful report.

In the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends film work began in the 80's. A friend filmed with his private VHS camera some conferences or community hours and placed the recordings at the disposal of other friends. Later this work was arranged such that today most conferences are filmed and can be borrowed for free in the form of DVDs.

Since the beginning of the 90's professional film recordings were also made in the Circle of Friends. Several shorter film documentaries were made about Bruno Gröning and events in the Circle of Friends as well as some longer full-evening films of cinema quality. Altogether more than a hundred interviews with contemporary witnesses from the 50's were recorded and several hundred interviews with friends and healed persons from the Circle of Friends.

An important part of this film work is the success reports. Since the year 1990 many interviews were held in which friends reported on how they found healing by spiritual means through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Thus many impressive films originated from which spectators can draw faith and confidence and realize the significance of the events concerning Bruno Gröning.


Filmul documentar:
Bruno Gröning”

Rulează în multe oraşe din lumea înreagă

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Editura Grete Häusler: O ofertă bogată de cărţi, reviste, CD-uri, DVD-uri şi calendare


Oamenii de ştiinţă iau cuvântul: aspecte interesante legate de învăţătura lui Bruno Gröning