Genezingen van tic-stoornis / Tourette-syndroom

Healing from Tourette's Syndrome (tics)
C. P. (13), Simbach am Inn (Germany)
M. P. tells of the healing of her son: "C. is a child of divorce. Even during my pregnancy and after his birth he experienced all the terrible quarrels until the divorce was over. Shortly thereafter I met a new partner with whom I have been married for several years now. C. has had contact with his biological father the whole time. But in the time immediately after the divorce these contacts were not beneficial. They told me in the Kindergarten that his hyperactivity was hard to control. Our whole family life was in disorder, but I knew of no solution at the time.
Suffering has a name: "Tourette's Syndrome"
The actual problems began for C. during school. It was very demanding and they moved right along. I worked half-days at the time and often didn't have the patience to calmly explain things to my son the way he needed. And then I also had a miscarriage at that time and the pregnancy that followed was also problematical.