Healing of a broken rib
Joe Aarts (64), Maastricht (Netherlands)

On May 5, 2010, I slipped on the bathroom floor after showering and landed with the right side of my body on the edge of the wooden footboard. Although it hurt a lot, I went to bed that night as usual. The next day, during a fit of coughing, I felt a distinct crack and immediately thought, “Now something is broken”. During an examination at a hospital in Maastricht, they found fractures of the second and third ribs. I was referred to my family doctor. During the bandaging, the doctor told me that the regeneration would take four to six weeks. I received analgesics to relieve the pain, above all for sleeping, but it didn't really help. Every movement caused pain. The continual coughing was an additional pain.
Became well overnight
On May 16, 2010, I attended a presentation of the documentary film “The Phenomenon Bruno Gröning: on the Tracks of the Miracle Healer” in Heerlen. On the foillowing day I was able to get up pain-free - all limitations had disappeared. At my next visit the family doctor was very surprised that I was well again after 11 days.
Physician’s commentary:
Broken ribs are very painful; it often takes weeks before a person is pain-free again. The spontaneous liberation from pain after viewing the documentary film is inexplicable from a medical point of view. F. H., M.D.