Healings of herniated disc

Healing from a herniated disk and depression
Paul Fischer (46), Groningen (Netherlands)
In June, 1993, I got severe pain in my lower back when bending over during a tennis tournament. While I had often had pain in the previous few years, it had always gone away again. But this time It had got worse, until it had encompassed my entire right leg. An x-ray examination revealed a herniated disk (L5-S1). Treatment by neurologists, healing practitioners and chiropractors was without lasting effect. Finally my doctor advised me to have an operation. The pain was like a heavy burden on my soul. I had been tortured for many years by depressive conditions, with sadness, desperation and an inner distress that is hard to describe. My mother was severely depressive, and as long as I can remember I had lived with the feeling that my life was worthless.

Healing from migraines, fibromyalgia, chronic shoulder pain (periarthritis humeroscapularis), carpal tunnel syndrome in the right hand, and decades of sciatica after two herniated disks
Lilian Johannson (65), Rimini (Italy)
It would be a long story to describe in detail the development of all the many illnesses I had, some of them for decades, until I was finally liberated in a wonderful way by absorption of the Heilstrom.

Healing of severe chronic back pain after suffering a herniated disk
Ruth Berg (47, Jewish), Emek (Israel)
Starting in 1991, I had pain in my lower back and cervical spine which got progressively worse over the years. The pain attacks went from the right to the left side of my back, shooting down to the buttocks and then through the thigh down to my feet. Now and then my neck would hurt. I had the feeling that my neck was stiff and I had difficulty turning my head. The palms of my hands felt numb and my grip was weak.

Healing from a herniated disc
Christine Wellinger (55), Salzburg (Austria)
Starting in 2006, I kept having brief periods of lumbago after hard work such as lifting or when I kept my wet bathing suit on after swimming. Even when I avoided such things, I still had a dull pain in my back. This also influenced my performance at work.
Healing from a herniated disc
Danielle Imbert-Caron (57), Gatineau (Canada)
In 1974, when I was 21 years old, I had two auto accidents in which my seat belt wasn’t fastened. Two cars collided at high speed. Since then I have suffered from continual pain in my neck. The doctors diagnosed a whiplash injury in the cervical spine and predicted that I would have to live with neck pain. In 1977, as a 24-year-old, I was a passenger next to the driver, again without a seat belt, as the car rounded a curve and hit a tree. At this violent impact I hit my head on the windshield and injured my left knee. The neck pain became more intense. After that I had pain rotating between in my back, neck and left knee. In 1977, I turned down a knee operation because the doctors were unable to guarantee improvement. Instead, I regularly visited an osteopath, whose treatment provided partial relief for me. Ski and cycling tours, as well as garden work, were no longer possible. Two pregnancies exacerbated the knee and back problems. Because of that I was unable to carry my babies and intermittently could hardly walk. I often had to lie down.