Healings of hyperkeratose

Healing of harm on the feet (more than years)

Mr J. B. (51), Bielefeld (Germany)

In 1968 I developed calluses on both balls of my feet. It was very painful. Over the years the condition grew progressively worse and eventually measured 3 cm. Numerous skin specialists diagnosed warts and calluses. They all ruled out therapy. My condition continued to deteriorate. In 1980 I went into a clinic for electro-scanning treatment. This was not only unsuccessful, it made my condition worse. The soles of my feet became infected and they bled and were more painful than before. Twice I underwent an operation to have the calluses removed but each time the growth recurred after a short while. I could find no permanent medical help. Every seven to ten days I shaved off the thick skin myself. On account of the constant pain it was impossible for me to walk greater distances.

Two months after I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in September 1992, I noticed that the calluses were growing at a slower rate and the pain was decreasing. Since 1993 I have been callus-free and once again I can hike for hours without pain or discomfort.


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