Healings of warts

Healing of harm on the hand for more than years

Mrs Ch. G. (48), Cologne (Germany)

For 11 years I had a wart on my right wrist which bothered me. I tried to remove it with various wart remedies, such as plasters and drops, but they had no effect. Eventually it was decided that my house doctor would freeze it. But instead of disappearing, the wart grew larger.

In May 1991 I began to attune myself regularly to the healing stream. Three months later the wart was gone.

Healing of harm on hands and feet

Mrs M. J. (48), Maastricht (Netherlands)

For years I suffered from warts on my hands and feet. They not only handicapped me very much but were also painful. My family doctor either treated them with a solution or removed them by freezing and once cut them out, but they kept coming back.

I read about spiritual healing in a book and in February 1994 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, Three weeks later all my warts were gone and once again I take pleasure in doing my housework.


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