Healing from 20 years of knee pain
Max Köck (67), Austria

On December 22, 1988, my moped skidded on gravel and the front part of the moped fell on my left knee. The pain was severe and I couldn’t stand up. When I got to the hospital, my left knee had already swollen to double its size and the very severe pain continued.
The doctors were baffled
The doctors could find no injury on the x-ray and put my leg in a split cast for ten days. Although I received daily infusions, the pain remained and the swelling, too, didn’t subside. After the cast was removed a fracture of the lower leg (comminuted fracture of the tibial plateau) near the knee with loss of joint fluid was diagnosed with the help of a CAT scan. A week later I was operated on in a special clinic and my leg disappeared under a cast for two months. During the subsequent physical therapy the pain continued to be severe, and the swelling, too, was still there. According to a statement of the physical therapist, the knee’s mobility was limited to 20%. I left the hospital on Pentecost, 1989. Further physical therapy of various kinds followed in other facilities during the same year. Despite taking painkillers and other medication daily, no improvement occurred. Because of the limited mobility, I was awarded a disability pension and retired on August 1, 1990 at 48 years of age.
Hopelessly disabled
Because of the continually worsening pain, the medication had to be increased. The enduring limited mobility in my left leg led to problems in my right knee in 1995. Two stays at a rehab clinic and various restorative injections brought no relief. Finally, the pain spread throughout my entire body. Despite taking sleeping pills, this led to problems sleeping, since I could find no pain-free position for my knee. The simplest everyday things such as tying shoelaces were impossible for me. I was afraid of the future, already saw myself in a wheelchair, and had no joy in life at all. During the year before my Introduction to the teaching of Bruno Gröning, I could hardly move due to the pain, and my life was simply a torture.
The good advice of a friend
On July 29, 2009, I met a friend and told him of my situation. He brought me an information flyer on “Help and healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning” and told me some more about it. I had the flyer, on the cover of which a picture of Bruno Gröning was printed, lying before me on the table. My friend advised me to open my hands up like little plates and place them on my thighs. As he continued talking, I looked at Bruno Gröning’s picture. At that moment, I felt a very warm feeling and a connection to the man in the picture which is difficult to describe. The warmth began in my hands and then went over my whole body. I didn’t know what was going on.
For the healing force there is no such thing as “incurable”
After this conversation, which lasted around 15 minutes, I stood up and couldn’t comprehend what had happened. After more than 20 years of uninterrupted pain, my whole body was free from pain and I was able to bend my left knee as if there had never been any problem with it. Overjoyed, I tested all possible positions; squatted, bent over to tie my shoes—everything was possible. A week later a slight pain appeared again under my left knee where the fracture had been. I immediately recognized it as Regelungen and paid no attention to it. Three weeks after that the Regelungen were gone, and since then no more pain has appeared. I can move freely, climb up and down stairs effortlessly, and can do knee-bends with no problems. I sleep undisturbed, and my joy in life has returned. I cannot describe in words the heartfelt gratitude I feel.