Witness E. Süffert

Healing of asthma in Munich

Bruno Gröning heilt in München"A neighbor introduced me to Mr. Gröning in Munich. She knew that I had suffered serious asthma attacks for 14 years, and that my courage to face life had often faltered.

I was charmingly received. Bruno Gröning sat behind a desk, and I sat opposite him. Neither of us crossed our arms or legs. He asked me to breathe quietly and deeply. He did the same, which struck me as very funny, and I wanted to laugh. In...out...in...out. Then I felt heat in my legs. Mr. Gröning said that my recent operation had healed well. I had not mentioned one word about that to him. He explained to me that he felt everything in himself, and this was how he knew. He knew about my previous infectious jaundice, that I often had to get up at night to pass water and sometimes had no bowel movement for days. He knew simply everything, and then I was less inclined to laugh. He asked me to continue the breathing exercise. Then a bad attack suddenly started and I felt as though a heavy rock was lying on me. Mr. Gröning was breathing as loudly as I was. Suddenly, just as I felt that my air supply was being cut off, I had the sensation that energy was streaming through my body, from my head to my stomach. After this, I was able to breathe freely and deeply. That night I slept so quietly that my husband woke me to make sure I was still alive. Previously, I had spent the night sitting, rather than lying in bed, and my breathing sounded like an express train pulling into Munich station.

I experienced Bruno Gröning as a very spiritual person. I felt there was a spiritual bond between us. He gave me three small tin foil discs, which I was to place on my chest and stomach, and he said I would then be able to breathe freely. I did this, and since then I have never had another attack.”


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības