Voluntary collaboration
The Work of Charity
Bruno Gröning wanted to bring people together in harmony. Repeatedly he reminded them of the command of charity. "You should know that you belong together. You should love your neighbour as you love yourself. It is my wish, and my will for this to happen, for people to connect again so they can all receive the chance for help."
Most people come to the community driven by the wish to get their health back. But with the Heilstrom not only health will be attained, but there will also come a more intense feeling for life. The heart opens up, security, peace, and joy flow through and an unexpected love for life fills the soul. Because of these feelings, many of the healed people have the urge to pass on their newly found happiness. They want to help with the work of Bruno Gröning, so other people will get the chance for healing and inner change.
The work of Bruno Gröning is an act of charity. Just as he never wanted money for healing, also today no payment is made for work in the Circle of Friends. Every activity in the Circle of Friends is voluntary. Only out of pocket expenses like hall hire, production and dispatch of schooling material are reimbursed.
Bruno Gröning always pointed out that God is love and it wants to work through the human being. But you can’t pay for true love nor have it paid; it’s a heavenly gift. If it prevails in human relationships, freedom on earth will be achieved.
Hiking weeks
Back to nature
It started in the middle eighties when some of the younger Bruno Gröning friends expressed the wish to spend some time together in the summer vacation in the mountains. Since Grete Häusler was originally from Austria and herself an enthusiastic mountaineer, it did not take much to convince her, the leader of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends at the time. So in the year 1987 some 30 or 40 Bruno Gröning friends met for the first hiking week in Maria Alm in the Salzburg region on the banks of the Steinernen lake. Overnight stays were in youth hostels and there were daily hikes in the mountains with coming together in the evenings for a community hour.
The feedback was fantastic and so the hiking week quickly became a firm part of the annual calendar of the Circle of Friends. Since 1988 it takes place in Filzmoos at the foot of the Bischofsmütze in the Austrian Dachstein area. However today it is not anymore the only hiking week; these days more than 3000 friends meet annually at various hiking and mountaineering weeks in Filzmoos.
Also in other regions similar events take place, With the worldwide spreading of the teaching of Bruno Gröning the desire arose in many countries to also conduct such hiking weeks in the home country. Thus every year the number countries increase in which hiking weeks or weekends take place, for example in Switzerland, Italy, France and also in India, Australia and the USA.
These activities are coupled to a conscious approach towards nature in the sense of Bruno Gröning's words "Back to nature" and "Nature is God". To absorb nature in peace and quiet presents a wonderful contrast to the current event tourism and brings the people again closer to God and to the origin of life. In this inner life in nature already many friends have even experienced healings.
Worldwide conferences
Bathe in the heilstrom
Apart from the community hours started by Bruno Gröning, his friends worldwide also meet at conferences. Here many dozens up to more than 1000 friends come together in different regions and set themselves up mutually to receive the Heilstrom, as Bruno Gröning called the divine power.
Because the power flow is stronger and the absorption so much easier the more people are present, the many friends make use of this opportunity to get to know one another, compare notes and listen to experience and success reports and let the divine power stream into them.
At many of these conferences friends from different countries with different ethnic, cultural or religious roots meet each other. Thus for example Jews, Moslems and Christians sit peacefully next to one another and concern themselves with the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Or Croatians, Bosnians and Serbians meet each other at a conference and mutually take up the heilstrom and cultivate friendship with each other.
커뮤니티 아워
일상 속 힘의 원천
커뮤니티 시간에는 브루노 그뢰닝의 가르침을 실질적으로 전달합니다.
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이 방법으로 사람들은 건강을 얻을 뿐만 아니라 계속 유지할 수 있습니다.
지나간 고통에 다시 빠지지 않도록 영적인 관계에 대해 배우세요
Wie wichtig die Kenntnis der Lehre Bruno Grönings ist, hat die Vergangenheit gezeigt: Viele Hilfesuchende sind nach einer einmaligen Begegnung mit Gröning - etwa in Herford oder am Traberhof - gesund geworden, wussten aber nicht um die geistigen Hintergründe einer Heilung. Weder hatten sie gelernt, den Heilstrom aufzunehmen, noch wussten sie von den sog. Regelungsschmerzen. Die Kraft der Gedanken, die richtige Sitzhaltung, das Wissen um Gut und Böse: Mit alledem waren sie nicht vertraut. Wenn sich Regelungen einstellten oder Zweifel an der Dauerhaftigkeit der Heilung aufkamen, waren sie, auf sich allein gestellt, oftmals zu schwach, an die Gesundheit zu glauben. So manch einer fiel in sein altes Leiden zurück. Es hieß dann oft, die Heilungen hielten nicht an. Doch wer die Lehre Bruno Grönings kennt und die geistigen Gesetzmäßigkeiten erfasst hat, weiß, dass es nur eine unwillkürliche Folge mangelnden Glaubens bzw. mangelnden Wissens um die geistigen Zusammenhänge war. Wer z. B. nicht um die Kraft der Gedanken weiß und sich weiterhin mit der Krankheit beschäftigt, kann die Heilung wieder verlieren, da er das Ungute, die Krankheit, durch sein Denken erneut anzieht.
So ist es wichtig für den Hilfesuchenden, sich mit der Lehre Bruno Grönings in den Gemeinschaftsstunden vertraut zu machen. Wichtig ist aber auch, dass er den Heilstrom in verstärktem Ausmaß in sich aufnimmt – was gerade aufgrund der multiplikativen Wirkung der Energie durch die Gemeinschaft gelingt. Bruno Gröning verglich den Menschen mit einer Batterie. Durch Denken, Sprechen und Handeln gibt er ständig Energie ab. Um kraftvoll zu bleiben, muss er entsprechend Energie nachtanken. Das kann er durch tägliches Einstellen und durch regelmäßigen Besuch der Gemeinschaftsstunden erreichen. In einem Brief an einen Hilfesuchenden schrieb Bruno Gröning u. a.: „Vergleichen Sie sich zeit Ihres Lebens mit einer Batterie, [...] indem Sie [...] dafür Sorge tragen, dass Ihr Körper ein frisch geladener ist, der dann auch immer in der Lage ist und sein wird, diese Lebensenergie nicht nur für sich selbst zu verwerten, um lebens- und existenzfähig zu sein, sondern dass er wie eine Batterie auch die Energie anderen, d. h. all den Nächsten unserer Mitmenschen geben kann, die einen Energiemangel aufzuweisen haben.“
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„커뮤니티 시간에 참석하는 것만 중요한 게 아니라 실제 마음으로 참석해서 올바른 길을 가고 그 길에서 벗어나지 않는 것이 중요합니다. 결국 이 모든 게 본인 자신에 게 유익한 일이기 때문입니다.“