Film music

Compositions for the films of the Circle of Friends

FilmmusikThe music for the films which originated in the Circle of Friends were composed by Burkhard Pesch and played by the Babelsberg Film orchestra (Previously the DEFA orchestra of the Brandenburg symphony of Potsdam).

Only available in German:
No., title, composer, duration, from CD, year of recording

  1. Der Wunderapostel – Vorspann, B. Pesch, 03:59, CD: Der Wunderapostel, 1993
  2. Beatus' Lebensgeschichte, B. Pesch, 05:49, CD: Der Wunderapostel, 1993
  3. Naturbelehrung, B. Pesch, 05:09, CD: Lebenstanz und Wunderapostel, 1995
  4. Die Heilung, B. Pesch, 07:10, CD: Lebenstanz und Wunderapostel, 1995
  5. Prolog, B. Pesch, 06:50, CD: Sein Leben (Filmmusik zum Dokumentarfilm), 2002
  6. Kindheit, B. Pesch 02:20, CD: Sein Leben (Filmmusik zum Dokumentarfilm), 2002
  7. Zurück zur Natur, B. Pesch 01:45 CD: Sein Leben (Filmmusik zum Dokumentarfilm), 2002
  8. Heimgang und Botschaft, B. Pesch, 02:43, CD: Sein Leben (Filmmusik zum Dokumentarfilm), 2002
  9. Epilog und Nachspann, B. Pesch, 04:46, CD: An der Seite Bruno Grönings (Filmmusik), 2010

These music pieces in mp3 format is only a small selection of all music recordings that have been published in the Grete Häusler Verlag on various CDs. They are meant for private use only. Please respect our copyright.


Film Dokumenter:
Bruno Gröning"

Data pemutaran film di banyak kota di seluruh dunia

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Para ilmuwan berbicara: Aspek yang menarik dari ajaran Bruno Gröning