Healings of hardness of hearing and deafness

Healing after 14 years of complete deafness of the left ear
Alina Bąk (55), Ustka (Poland)
In the year 1994, during a hospital stay, I got an infection of the right middle ear which hadn’t completely healed at my discharge. When watching television in the evening I asked my son to turn up the sound because I could hardly understand anything. My son said that the volume was already set very high. That surprised me because until then I had always heard well. So I first removed the cotton which I had earlier stuffed into my right ear - which was then still inflamed - and determined that I was able to hear again. It occurred to me that something was wrong with my left ear.

Healing from allergy to flour dust, tinnitus, hardness of hearing, purulent otitis media, frontal and paranasal sinusitis
Peter Ettinger (55), Manching (Germany)
When I look back on the many decades of illness I often wonder, "How were you able to stand it?" The continual knee and back pain and the severe allergy to flour dust that rendered me incapable of working. Yes, and then there was the noise in my ears from childhood on - the tinnitus - and then the 50 years of ear aches and the 30 years of chronic sinusitis shouldn't be forgotten. It's easy to talk about, but you have to have experienced - better, suffered - it to understand my gratitude for being able to be well now - well through the teaching of Bruno Gröning, well through an energy, the existence of which I wouldn't have believed years ago - the Heilstrom.

Healing from partial deafness of the left ear
Uschi Eckes (60), Düsseldorf (Germany)
At the age of four I pierced my eardrum with a hairpin. My left ear festered continually and until I was 16 my middle ear and auditory canal became inflamed once a month. Often I couldn't go to school because of the severe pain and wasn't allowed to participate in swimming.
Healing from hardness of hearing in the right ear and tinnitus
Mr. L. (32), Singapore
At 14 years of age (1990), I listened to loud music on a Walkman every day. After about half an hour I could no longer hear well in my right ear. I noticed it especially when telephoning. I ignored it, but did stop listening to loud music with the headphones. The hardness of hearing in my right ear remained unchanged. I heard nearby sounds as if the noise were far away. In the year 2005 I started listening to loud music again. During this period a permanent high whistling began in both ears, a little more right than left. It was very unpleasant. Since it didn't seriously interfere with my daily life, however, I didn't go to the doctor.
Heilung von Schwerhörigkeit nach Hörsturz
Jürgen B. (53), Deutschland
[1] In meinem linken Ohr hatte ich seit mindestens fünf Jahren eine Schwerhörigkeit, welche mir erst nach und nach auffiel. Im täglichen Leben kam es immer wieder vor, dass mich jemand ansprach und ich immer erst nach wiederholtem Ansprechen reagierte. Beim gemeinsamen Fernsehen verstand ich nicht, was gesagt wurde, und musste darum bitten, den Ton lauter zu stellen. Meine Verlobte, die ich vor viereinhalb Jahren kennenlernte, machte mich wiederholt darauf aufmerksam, ich möge doch bitte einmal zum Ohrenarzt gehen.
Iscjeljenje od šteta obostrano, poslije rođenja kliještima
G-đa. R. G. (32 g.) Köln (Njemačka)
Unutrašnje uho mi je oštećeno kod rođenja uz pomoć kliješta. Od tada slabo sam čula na oba uha. Liječnici su rekli da se to ne može operirati, a ja nisam čula ni ptice kako pjevaju, ni šum lišća, ni automobile. U školi su uvijek govorili: "Njoj uvijek mora. sve tri puta reći." Doživljavala sam puno uvreda, pa sam postala povučena i prgava. Desno sam čula još samo 35%, a lijevo 20%. Audiogram je pokazao da lijevo ne čujem do 60 dB a desno do 80 dB. Aparat koji su mi htjeli dati ja nisam htjela.
U studenom 1989. sam došla u Krug prijatelja Brune Gröninga i od onda sam redovno primala Heilstrom*. U siječnju 1993. sam iznenada osjetila jaki pritisak na oba uha i odjednom sam na lijevo uho čula automobile sa ulice, što mi je bilo potpuno novo. Prvi put u životu sam čula i tihe šumove. Od veljače sam i na desno uho počela čuti potpuno normalno. Liječnik je bio jako iznenađen mojim dobrim sluhom, pa mi je to i jednim testom potvrdio. Od tada sam normalan čovjek.
Iscjeljenje od nagluhost (Hypakusis) poslije naglog gubljenja sluha
Gospodin J. B. (53 g.) Hamburg (Njemačka)
Nagluhost lijevog uha od koje sam patio od 1987. godine, nisam odmah ni primijetio. 1991. mi je liječnik rekao da je ta nagluhost posljedica naglog gubljenja sluha i savjetovao mi je da nosim aparat za pojačavanje.
Oko 2 mjeseca poslije uvoda, u kolovozu 1991. imao sam nekoliko puta jako pucketanje u lijevom uhu. Nekoliko tjedana kasnije sam primijetio da na oba uha jednako dobro čujem. To isto je potvrdio i liječnički pregled i test.
Iscjeljenje od gluhoća lijevog uha
G-đa. V. S. (50 g.) Tiraspol (Moldavija)
Sluh mi je počeo popuštati od 1991. To mi je na poslu stvaralo probleme jer sam radila kao telefonistkinja. Iako su se liječnici trudili da mi pomognu sluh mi je bivao sve lošiji, tako da sam na lijevo uho potpuno oglušila. Liječnici su rekli da je to neizlječivo.
U prosincu 1994. sam saznala za Krug prijatelja Brune Gröninga i počela sam redovno primati Heilstrom*. Već dva tjedna kasnije sam opet mogla normalno čuti, što je jedan test sluha kasnije i potvrdio. Moj liječnik to nije mogao objasniti.