Healings of dyspnea (asthma)

Healing from bronchial asthma
Lily Agbetsiafa (58), Accra (Ghana, Africa)
My suffering began when I was about 23 years old. The doctor diagnosed chronic asthma. I was accompanied by this for over 30 years. As time went on the attacks got worse and worse. They continued to occur, sometimes two or three times a day, and were sometimes very severe. It was very difficult for me to breathe or to get any air at all. I never had more than a week free from these attacks. My husband often took me to the hospital and, especially at night, my condition would often become so critical that I thought I would suffocate.

Healing from bronchial asthma and mental problems
Sujata Sudhir Kate (37), Pune (India)
In the year 2000 I couldn’t get enough air to breathe and turned blue in the face. Since I was afraid, I visited a doctor who carried out all the usual examinations of blood and urine, and allergy tests. He diagnosed a bird-feather dust allergy. Although we moved our 18 birds and three parrots to an aviary outside the house, the breathing problems persisted. The asthma usually appeared with cold weather or when I ate or drank something cold. My doctor prescribed Rotatile capsules and inhalations with Asthelin drops in hot water. That gave me some temporary relief, but the asthma attacks came ever more frequently - up to two per week, often at night.

Healing from allergies and bronchial asthma
Constantin Riedl (41), Regensburg (Deutschland)For around 25 years, from spring to autumn - during the blooming period of grasses and trees - I suffered from severe hay fever with red, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing attacks, continually swollen mucous membranes, and frequent sinusitis. Moreover, I reacted allergically to animal hair, feathers, nuts, house dust, and alcohol which manifested itself through sneezing, catarrh, scratching and swelling of the throat as far as dyspnoea. During the last 12 years asthma attacks with breathing difficulty, sweating attacks and feelings of anxiety occurred more and more frequently.

Healing from bronchial asthma and grass pollen allergy
Werner Kirmer (59), Hoyerswerda (Germany)
I was burdened with bronchitis since childhood. My military service, to which I was called despite the fact that the bronchitis hadn’t healed, was “ended” after only 14 days. I spent it, so to speak, in the sick bay. After six months I was finally withdrawn from service. The diagnosis was “bronchial asthma”. Toward the end of the seventies it was determined that, in addition to the asthma, I also suffered from a grass pollen allergy.
Healing from asthma
Ruben T. (Columbia), about son Juan Sebastian (14)
My 14-year-old son Juan Sebastian suffered from asthma for at least eight years. The attacks occurred about once every two to three months. We went to many different doctors; allergy specialists, GPs, pediatricians. They ran a variety of tests, for example, blood and allergy tests. He always slept with an inhaler under his pillow and took medication. With almost every attack I had to take him to hospital because the inhaler was of little use. We were regular guests there. He also couldn't play any sport.
In 1999 I took part in the 4th TAKE (Pan-American Esperanto Congress). By chance, I happened to attend a lecture on spiritual healing through the teaching of Bruno Gröning. After the medical student K. B. had presented documented healings to us, I put my skepticism aside and said to myself, "What do I have to lose by following this?" At the end of the lecture there was an opportunity to do einstellen for other people. I did this for my son Juan Sebastian.
Back at home it transpired that my son has never had another asthma attack since then. He needs no medication anymore, doesn’t need to go to hospital, sleeps without an inhaler, can play sport and loves roller skating at the sports club.
Healing from asthma
Katharina V. (Switzerland), about niece (6 and a half)
My little niece (six and a half years old), suffered from asthma since she was two. Every two or three weeks she had to be taken to the Emergency Department. After I had been introduced to the teaching of Bruno Gröning, I did einstellen for her on a regular basis. After two months the little girl was completely free of asthma. To this day she hasn't needed any medication any more.
Iscjeljenje od bronhijalna astma
Gospodin R. B. (22 g.) Wismar (Njemačka)
Od djetinjstva sam imao tegobe pri disanju. Liječnici su prvo rekli da imam spastički bronhitis, a kasnije su govorili o bronhijalnoj astmi. Problemi sa disanjem su tokom godina postajali sve jači i češći, tako da sam i noću dobivao napade. Napadi su po danu nastupali, naročito kod naprezanja ili prehlade. Morao sam stalno povećavati dozu lijekova koje sam uzimao (preparati Theophyllina i aerosoli). Nisam se nikako mogao pomiriti s tim da ću cijelog života morati uzimati lijekove, da bih donekle živio bez tegoba.
Početkom lipnja 1990. sam saznao za Učenje Brune Gröninga. Tjedan dana kasnije sam već prestao uzimati bilo kakve lijekove. Od tada nemam više nikakvih tegoba sa disanjem, tako da mi nisu potrebni nikakvi lijekovi. Sada opet mogu podnijeti svaki napor, koji prije nisam mogao ni sa lijekovima savladati.
Iscjeljenje od bronhijalna astma
G-đa. A. N. (52 g.) München (Njemačka)
Od lipnja 1992. godine sam patila od astme. U proljeće 1993. sam postala nesposobna voditi domaćinstvo i penjati se stepenicama. I najmanji napor je izazivao gušenje i izbijanje znoja. Sve to je bilo podnošljivo kad sam potpuno mirno sjedila. Liječnici hitne pomoći su mi često davali injekcije sa preparatima Theophylina, koje su mi bar za izvjesno vrijeme dopuštale da se odmorim ili spavam i to sjedeći. Uzimala sam ACC 200 tri puta dnevno, Berodual aerosol i po 20 x dnevno, Sultanol rastvor za inhaliranje, Theophylin tablete, Kortizon sprej i drugo. Bez uspjeha je bio i boravak u bolnici krajem kolovoza 1993., gde su me liječili kortizonom.
Za vrijeme jednog boravka u bolnici sam čula za Krug prijatelja Brune Gröninga, te sam tako upoznala i njegovo Učenje. Nekoliko dana kasnije su me otpustili iz bolnice, jer više nisam imala nikakve tegobe. Više nisam imala niti jedan napad. Potpuno sam ozdravila i više mi ne trebaju nikakvi lijekovi.