Healings of depression

Healing from severe depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
R. Z. (43), Melbourne (Australia)
I was already depressed as a child. My father was often violent toward me. I was always very quiet and anxious, and I slept poorly. When I was nine years old I was molested. My family knew about it, but didn’t do anything to stop it. When I was 16 years old, I tried – unsuccessfully - to kill myself by taking an overdose of tablets. At school I failed in all subjects. That made me hate myself even more, and I believed I was good for nothing. When I was 18 I moved away from home. Starting at 22 I spent over four years in psychiatric treatment. I didn’t take any medication because of the side effects. My marriage broke up after three years, and the psychiatrist treating me told me he could do nothing more for me. I went through an odyssey of psychologists, psychiatrists, physicians, hospitals, spiritual healers and healing practitioners. Every childhood memory was accompanied by physical break down. I would hide and had severe panic attacks as if I were having a heart attack. Then I would lose consciousness for hours. I kept the doors locked and cried myself to sleep for years. The depression, anxiety and panic attacks simply became too severe, and in the year 2003 I was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. After tests I was put on medication (Cipramil, later Avanza = Mirtazepam) which also helped. I thought that everything was then all right, but there was still something in my soul that cried out loudly. In the year 2005, with the help of a psychiatrist, I tried to discontinue the medication. When I reduced the dose to one tablet (30 mg) the withdrawal symptoms began. I had fits of perspiration, pain, anxiety, trembling, nausea and claustrophobia. I decided to continue taking the medication. They prescribed sleeping pills and Valium against the withdrawal symptoms, but when I raised the dosage to 60 mg of Avanza again all the withdrawal symptoms stopped. That was a great disappointment for me because I then saw that I was very dependent on this medication. I had the feeling that I would spend the rest of my life in therapy and with doctors. The depression was so severe that I continued to cry a lot, had pain all over and wanted to end my life. The suicide was to take place on July 1, 2007.

Healing from severe depression and anxiety disorder
E. B. (50), Ergoldsbach (Germany)
In the year 1995, an ominous situation developed at my workplace - mobile nursing care - mobbing was becoming widespread. This caused me to develop permanent anxiety, and I could hardly do my job any more. In 1997, my frame of mind was so shattered that, for example, I was neither able to fill a syringe nor administer intramuscular Injections. At home I could no longer calm down, and I was plagued by thoughts of suicide. A neurologist had me admitted to the district hospital because of acute self-endangerment. At first I was completely sedated, so that I hardly perceived anything. After eight weeks without significant improvement I was released at my own risk on the condition that I undergo psychiatric treatment. On the one hand the prescribed medication did help me to somehow be active, but on the other hand everything was insensitive and mechanical. In the end it helped just as little as conversational therapy.

Healing from alcohol addiction and depression
J. L. (54), Buffalo (USA)
Shortly after my 18th birthday (1968) I began to drink beer and schnapps. I would drink 12 to 18 beers a day from Monday to Sunday. It was normal for me at the time to come home from work, change clothes, go to my favourite hangout and stay there until three o’clock in the morning. Then I would get up at seven o’clock and go to work, always with a terrible hangover. I was working in the construction industry at the time. This happened day after day. Thus it became the pattern of my life. Today I can’t understand how I was able to survive for 35 years with such excessive alcohol consumption.
Iscjeljenje od depresija
G-đa. N. D. (49 g.) Južnih Slavena (Njemačka)
Često sam patila od nervoze, bila sam razdražljiva i imala sam osjećaj teškog tereta na grudima. Činilo mi se da ću se od toga ugušiti. Jedna Ruskinja, bioenergetičarka mi je malo pomogla za izvjesno vrijeme. Poslije mog uvoda u Učenje Brune Gröninga doživjela sam pravu revoluciju; nisam mogla spavati, a sve u meni je bilo u pokretu. Svi moji duševni problemi su nestali poslije otprilike tri tjedna. Osjećam se lakom i dragocjenom, te sa povjerenjem gledam u budućnost.
Iscjeljenje od depresija
G-đa. M. L. (42 g.) Bebra (Njemačka)
Šest godina prije nego sam pronašla Krug prijatelja Brune Gröninga, patila sam od depresije. Dobivala sam napade straha, ništa me više nije zanimalo, a već samo ustajanje ujutro je bilo pravo mučenje. Plašila sam se svega što bi mi život mogao donijeti. Često sam samo sjedila i bila sam nesposobna jasno misliti, nisam ni u čemu sudjelovala, te mi je skoro bilo nemoguće obavljati i najlakše kućne poslove. Uzimala sam razne lijekove, kao Baldrian, Demetrin, Tofranil i Saroten tablete.
Pet dana poslije uvoda u Učenje Brune Gröninga, poslije primanja Heilstrom* sve tegobe su jednostavno nestale. Nemam napade straha, ustajem s lakoćom i zanima me sve što se oko mene događa. Ne uzimam nikakve lijekove i ne patim više od depresije.
Iscjeljenje od depresija
G-đa. E. G. (64 g.) Heidelberg (Njemačka)
1985. sam u 59. godini života ostala bez posla. To me je toliko šokiralo da sam upala u tešku depresiju. Nisam mogla spavati, zapustila sam stan, izbjegavala sam ljude i bila apatična. Nisam se usudivala sama izaći na ulicu ili ići u kupovinu. Uvijek sam počinjala plakati kad bi me neko oslovio.
Više od četiri godine su me bezuspješno liječili injekcijama vitamina B-12 i Imap-om.
U studenom 1989., u vrijeme kad sam uvedena u Učenje Brune Gröninga, bila sam sasvim na dnu. Odmah poslije uvoda sam počela raditi po kući i od tada mi je stan uvijek uredan. Poslije 3 tjedna sam se osjećala kao da te dugogodišnje depresije nikad nije ni bilo. Sada sam oslobođena svega toga; apatija i izbjegavanje ljudi su nestali, a ni lijekove ne moram više uzimati.
Iscjeljenje od depresija
Gospodin R. B. (25 g.) Linz (Austrija)
Oko tri godine sam patio od depresije, koja se ispoljavala kao gušenje, namjera za samoubojstvom, usamljenost, strah od ljudi, bezvoljnost, tuga, noćne more i povraćanje. Skoro stalno sam ležao u krevetu. Pred ispite sam totalno gubio svako samopouzdanje, tako da sam ih uglavnom u zadnjem trenutku otkazivao. Psihoterapija je pomagala samo izvjesno vrijeme.
Vrlo brzo poslije mog uvoda, u ožujku 1995. osjetio sam neku snagu u trbuhu i osjećaj slobode, te sam se prvi put poslije dugog vremena i bez ikakvog razloga mogao smijati, jednostavno zato jer sam se tako dobro osjećao. U meni je sad neslućena volja za životom; ne osjećam nikakav umor; sasvim sam zdrav.