Parantumisia: Pelot, paniikkikohtaukset

Healing of severe anxiety disorder and prescription drug addiction
M. J. (56), Cologne (Germany)
I smoked hashish 25 years ago for the first time, a high dose that led directly to a horror trip. I got panic attacks. Although I recovered soon afterwards, the feelings of anxiety returned suddenly about eight years later in 1979 and became worse. In 1980 the doctor prescribed Valium for the anxiety neurosis and depression. I always had to keep a tablet handy because although the severe attacks occurred seldom, they could flare up very suddenly. In the end they occurred every night, so that after 1984 I could only sleep three to four hours per night and could hardly perform my family and professional duties. At first I took the psychotherapeutic drug Lexotanil regularly but stopped taking it when it had no effect anymore. Various treatments brought no relief; I lost weight, was in complete despair and did not want to live anymore.

Healing from anxiety and panic attacks after LSD abuse
K. G. (29), Ljubiljana (Slovenia)
At the age of twelve I started to smoke and to drink alcohol together with friends. When I was 15 I got into marijuana and pot, with 17 into LSD. During the following two years I took a whole blotting paper full of LSD six times. The seventh time I reacted to the LSD with hallucinations which caused such fears that I stayed at home for days. The anxiety did not go away. No doctor could help. For six years after the use of LSD described above I suffered from those panic attacks. Often I had tachycardia (increased heart rate) and a great fear of dying. At the age of 23 I stopped smoking marijuana, the effect got too intense. After a breakdown at 25 years of age I was sent to a psychiatric unit. After that I got injections against the anxiety and the tachycardia for a year, but without any bettering of my condition. My situation seamed hopeless to me.
Healing of harm accompanied by hyperventilation
Mrs A. K. (28), Bremerhaven (Germany)
Before I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I was plagued by anxiety: Several times a week I suffered from breathing difficulties and my whole body trembled. I had a sensation of constriction in my chest and intense heart palpitation. Then I became panic-stricken that I would die because my heart would stop beating. I was unable to go into department stores or drive longer distances on my own. These conditions were aggravated if I became stressed or irritated at work. Orthodox medicine did nothing for me and homeopathic remedies so little, that I stopped taking them.
In September 1991 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Since Christmas 1992 I have been completely free from my problems, which simply vanished.
Healing of fear of examinations
Mrs C. K. (22), Wegberg (Germany)
During my years in primary school I was a very good student. Fears of failing first appeared when I entered secondary school. My confidence dissolved following a series of fiascos which filled me with apprehension about examinations. This was especially bad before I sat for my 'A' levels. The pressure of having to achieve good results, upon which my future depended, called forth anxiety, depressions and even aggression in me.
Through regularly tuning in to the healing stream, I progressively improved my results and consequently all fear and doubts disappeared from my life.
Healing of nightmares
Mr B. P. (28), Wegberg (Germany)
For six years I suffered from anxiety which manifested in nightly dreams in which I saw myself being chased, captured and tortured. Sometimes I awoke bathed in sweat. These mental images often remained with me throughout the day.
After my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in June 1987, the nightmares became progressively less, my anxiety disappeared and finally, I was totally freed from this burden.