Parantumisia: Nikotiiniriippuvuus

Healing from nicotine and alcohol addiction
J. B. (59), Bielefeld (Germany)
I smoked for approximately 33 years and at the end I smoked about 60 cigarettes a day. During the night my coughing interrupted my sleep and I became nervous and irritable. I became short of breath whenever I was under physical strain. Whenever I climbed the stairs, I had to take a break after every 10 steps.
I started to drink alcohol regularly at the age of 19, about two to three times a week. Throughout the years I gradually drank more. At the end I drank one bottle of wine or a half to one bottle of brandy every single evening. I was afraid that somebody would notice that and so I drank mostly from Friday to Sunday. In the last 5 years I had tried to quit drinking several times. But after six or seven days I began to drink again.
Healing of nicotine addiction
Mrs I. D. (62), Frankfurt (Germany)
For 30 years I smoked 30 - 40 cigarettes a day and in the course of time also took increasing amounts of tranquillisers. I could not stop this addiction.
In January 1990, only a few days after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I had already lost my desire for cigarettes. In addition, I no longer had any need for tablets since then and I am completely free from this addiction.
Healing of nicotine addiction
Mrs B. K. (35), Düsseldorf (Germany)
I smoked for 19 years, often more than a packet of cigarettes a day. I tried to give up smoking in 1990 but was unsuccessful and subsequently my consumption of cigarettes doubled.
Shortly after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I read a report on somebody who had been able to stop smoking and wished so much that I could do the same. The next cigarette I lit did not taste right and, since then, the compulsion to smoke has disappeared. I have had no withdrawal symptoms.
Healing of nicotine addiction
Mrs I. D. (57), Bochum (Germany)
From the age of 20 I smoked 20 - 25 cigarettes a day. Innumerable times I tried to break the habit. Without success.
In October 1993, after my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, there was no immediate change. But when I tried to light a cigarette a few days before Christmas, I was overcome by nausea and the desire for cigarettes was gone. I had no withdrawal symptoms and have not smoked again since then.
Healing of nicotine addiction
Mrs R. J. (40), Maastricht (Netherlands)
For over 20 years I smoked a packet of cigarettes a day. As a result I was short of breath, had little energy and tired quickly. I often tried to give up smoking but was unsuccessful.
On October 25th 1991 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. After that I had no need to smoke again. I had no withdrawal
symptoms and have even lost 3 kilos. Today I have plenty of energy, I am no longer tired and I feel new born.