Parantumisia: Nikotiiniriippuvuus

Healing of nicotine addiction

Mrs K. R. (36), Heidelberg (Germany)

I was an occasional smoker for 15 years, mostly on social occasions. Then I began to buy a packet every day and it dawned on me that I was addicted to smoking because I could not imagine being without cigarettes.

I was healed from this addiction before I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. In November 1991 my sister told me about the healing power which she had regularly absorbed since her introduction to his teachings. As she was speaking to me I could already feel this power in my body. At the beginning of January 1992 I found the smell of cigarettes so unpleasant and revolting that I gave up smoking immediately. I had no withdrawal symptoms. I have been free from this addiction since then.


Bruno Gröning"

Elokuvan esitysajat monilla paikkakunnilla maailmanlaajuisesti

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler-kustantamo: Suuri valikoima kirjoja, aikakauslehtiä, CD-levyjä, DVD-levyjä ja kalentereita


Tiedemiehet saavat puheenvuoron: Mielenkiintoisia näkemyksiä Bruno Gröningin opista