Parantumisia: koviin huumausaineisiin (mm. heroiini ja kokaiini)

Heilung von langjähriger Drogenabhängigkeit

Parantuminen monia vuosia kestäneestä huumeriippuvuudesta

A.M. (42), Wels (Itävalta)

“Ettekö halua tulla mukaan polttamaan?“ Kutsu, jolla oli tuhoisat seuraukset koko myöhemmälle elämälleni. Olin juuri täyttänyt 17 vuotta, olin hyvin ujo eikä minulla ollut ollenkaan itseluottamusta, kun muuan tuttava kutsui silloisen poikaystäväni, tulevan aviomieheni, ja minut polttamaan jointin (hasistupakka). Tätä niin kutsuttujen ystävien ystävällistä kutsua seurasi monia muita kutsuja, jotka otimme mielellämme vastaan. Ansa oli asetettu ja me astuimme siihen, kuten monet ennen meitä ja meidän jälkeemme. Vähän ajan kuluttua aloimme jo itse ostaa hasista, jota käytimme alussa vain viikonloppuna.

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Heilung von Drogen- und Alkoholabhängigkeit (Politoxikomanie)

Healing from drug and alcohol addiction (Polytoxicomania)

I. M. (47), Uelzen (Germany)

My father died when I was eight years old. My mother was very protective during my childhood. This led to confrontation as I got older. This led to depression and anxiety. For this reason my family doctor gave me Tranxilium. At about 13 I came into contact with drugs for the first time. After school there was always the opportunity to have a joint while waiting for the bus. In my clique we put our money together and everyone got some of it. I also became acquainted with stimulants such as AN1 in this way. My mother knew nothing about it. After a big argument with her I took an entire package of Tranxilium. I wanted to put an end to my life. But I woke up again the next morning and also went to school.

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Heilung von Drogensucht

Healing from drug addiction

I. H. (38), Trier (Germany)

After the death of my companion in 1991, I began to smoke more and more hashish. After a while I was smoking up to eight grams a day. From 1992 on, I occasionally also took speed and LSD. I began to consume heroin and cocaine early in 1993, shooting heroine regularly. It increased to about one gram of heroin a day. Since I didn't have anywhere near enough money I sold my body at a private address.

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A. K. (42), Kassel (Deutschland)

Healing from drug and alcohol addiction, as well as depression

A. K. (42), Kassel (Germany)

In the year 1986, at 27 years of age, I began to smoke hashish. Two years later LSD was added. After my divorce I was with another woman for two years. When that also came to nothing I became very depressed. I was listless, irritable, always tired and often felt dejected. Before I had completely come to terms with the first separation the pain of the second one came along. During this period I got to know some people who dealt in hard drugs (heroin, cocaine). After awhile I, too, sniffed a noseful of cocaine.

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Healing from (high-dosage) methadone addiction

S. K. (38), Frankfurt (Germany)

Emotionally depressed and obese, initiated by the divorce of my parents, I started to smoke hashish at the age of 17. Two years later I added the occasional use of LSD and Psylocybin as well as heroin and cocaine. After separating myself from my drug-dependent friend, I was successfully re-trained and was able to work. At the age of 28 I re-connected with my friend and became seriously addicted to heroin and cocaine. I was entered in a (high-dosage) methadone program and was supplied with 5 ml of this drug. Over a period of time my use of the drug escalated to 15 ml per day. I later acquired this drug illegally and used 30 ml daily. When I could not obtain the drug one day, I would occasionally use 40 ml the next day. A movie on an independent TV channel about a healing from drug-addiction brought my attention the teaching of Bruno Gröning.

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Bruno Gröning"

Elokuvan esitysajat monilla paikkakunnilla maailmanlaajuisesti

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete Häusler-kustantamo: Suuri valikoima kirjoja, aikakauslehtiä, CD-levyjä, DVD-levyjä ja kalentereita


Tiedemiehet saavat puheenvuoron: Mielenkiintoisia näkemyksiä Bruno Gröningin opista