Sanigxoj de dependeco de hororfilmoj

Healing from the dependency on horror magazines and horror videos
A. v. d. B.-G. (40), Lennestadt (Germany)
Already as a child I often felt anxious and lonely. I would get really terrified at the sight of my own blood-a nose-bleed for example. From the time I was 16 (1980) I was particularly fond of horror comics. I would have ghost, spook and horror comics set aside for me at the local stationery shop. These comic books came out once a week. I also bought the related special volumes and special editions. That took up all my pocket money. I could hardly wait until the week was finally up so that I could get the new comics. The sales ladies couldn’t understand why I was so wild about those comics. I hurried to get home to immediately start reading. I actually read everywhere-in the living room, bedroom, toilet, wherever. I was fascinated by the style and the drawings in the comic books. It was basically always a matter of a spirit entity succeeding in wreaking havoc and tormenting people. Evil always had the upper hand and was almost exclusively victorious. Even as an adult I went on reading and collecting assiduously. My husband couldn’t understand it at all but didn’t say anything about it. During all of my four pregnancies the comics were my favourite reading matter. When I couldn’t sleep at night or when I had to look after the children at night I would have to first read the comics afterward. I would read the comic books more than once. If disturbed while reading the comics I would really flip out and snarl at the person involved.