Sanigxoj de dependeco de medikamentoj

Healing from alcohol and drug addiction and duodenal ulcers

S. T. (53), Springe (Germany)

After my sister's death in 1974, I had serious stomach aches with ulcers. I got tablets and injections against the severe pain. As no improvement occurred, gastric examinations were made in regular intervals. The diagnosis was chronic stomach and duodenal ulcer. I should learn to live with recurrent ulcers. After 20 years of pain (1994) I was totally down and had no more hope. I pepped myself up with alcohol. At first it was wine, later schnapps and finally I drank up to 2/3 quart daily. With the daily alcohol consumption I became unreliable and lost my job. Additionally I took lots of painkillers and tranquilizers, among others Valium.

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Dokumenta filmo:
„La fenomeno
Bruno Gröning”

Kinejaj datoj en multaj urboj en la tuta mondo

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grete-Häusler-Eldonejo: granda sortimento de libroj, magazinoj, KD-oj, DVD-oj, kaj kalendaroj


Sciencistoj sin esprimas: Interesaj aspektoj de la instruo de Bruno Gröning