Healings of addiction to soft drugs (hashish, marijuana)

Healing from marihuana abuse

K. P. (28), Tiraspol (Moldavia)

Several physical afflictions made my life difficult. From the age of seven I suffered from pain when walking because of flat feet. Since 1990 I had a chronic cough and since 1992 I often had sinus headaches. Around that time a numb feeling in my left leg occurred when I was sitting down. In the beginning of 1996, difficulties when urinating because of an inflammation of the prostate were added to all that. Since 1992 I escaped into smoking marijuana about twice a week. Within two years I finally used this drug several times a day. I grew ever more depressed, was afraid of every day life and got aggressive. I thought about suicide.

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Healing from a long-standing hashish addiction

S. M. (32), Kassel (Germany)

At the time of my confirmation when I was about 12 years old, addiction began in the form of alcohol misuse (beer, schnapps, wine). Just as with many other young people even today, I placed great importance on getting really drunk for the first time. At the same time I also tried smoking hashish for the first time. When I was about 14 I could already count myself as one of those in my group who could hold their liquor. At 15 I then began to smoke hashish now and then. It was simply a completely different feeling state. I had the feeling my consciousness was changing, time and space were receding and something like inner peace and a connection to everything was appearing. At 15 I was smoking every third day and from 18 on around 0.5 gram daily but usually only in the afternoons or the evening. At 17 I began carpenter’s training but broke it off after six months. After that I only took odd jobs which I didn’t take so seriously. At 20 I had already stopped my alcohol consumption because I was fixed exclusively on the drug hashish and had the motto, "Better high on pot than drunk". From that point on that drug was the master of my life. I needed it every day because otherwise I couldn’t sleep.

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Healing from alcohol and marijuana dependence

E. G. (39), Mistelbach (Austria)

When I was approximately ten years old I began to drink alcohol because I wanted to belong. Every day I went with my neighbour, a vintner, into his wine cellar to regularly drink wine (3-4 eighths, 375 ml). My parents were against this and forbade me to go, but I didn’t obey them. My school performance was also very weak. In the following years the amount kept increasing. At 14 I was already drinking a bottle of wine a day. When I began to go to discos during my job training I also drank high-proof on the weekends as well.
In 1985, at the age of 19, I first came into contact with drugs in the army. At first I smoked marijuana only on weekends. Due to an accident with my wrist followed by an operation when I was 12, I had severe wrist pain¸ especially whilst in the army and because of that I had increased my alcohol consumption so much that I often drank myself unconscious. Especially in the army I suffered so much from loneliness and lack of understanding that I wanted to put an end to my life.

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Healing from marijuana addiction

J. N.-F. (45), Berlin (Germany)

At 20 I became acquainted with marijuana through a friend in a band I played in. During the first years I usually consumed the drug as tea, later smoking it pure, that is, without mixing it with tobacco in a pipe or rolled into joints. I was studying philosophy at the time, felt like an outsider and was looking for a place in society and meaning in life. The drugs seemed to help me in this search. I felt inspired and experienced that there was more than only the material. However the dependence soon won out and I took the drug for hedonistic reasons. I tried to stop because I realized that every "high" was followed by a "low" and because I couldn’t control the addiction. The amount I took varied but was never as much as with other "pot smokers". Three or four grams would last for one or two weeks.

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Healing from addiction to cannabis

P. D. (37), Traunstein (Germany)

I smoked joints from the time I was 18. In the beginning the consumption tended to be occasional, later regular. My body always showed me certain limits, and the extreme consumption would give me a sore throat. My daily dose tended to be small. I can’t say exactly how much it was in grams per day. I didn’t really try any other drugs because I was aware of the danger.

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Helbredelse af afhængighed afhash

Fru A.B. (30), Hamburg (Tyskland)

Da jeg var 15 år, begyndte jeg at ryge hash, i starten cirka en gang om ugen. I 1985 kom jeg ind i narkokredse, og derefter røg jeg mindst en joint om dagen. I 1986 var jeg efterhånden så panikslagen over det, at jeg lod være med at ryge i fem måneder, uden at jeg fik abstinenser. Men efter en ubehagelig oplevelse begyndte jeg igen. Nu røg jeg mellem 1 og 6 joints om dagen. Jeg ville ikke erkende det, men jeg var blevet afhængig. I 1987 tog jeg gennem en 3-4 måneder også kokain, men dog højst en gang om ugen.

Efter at jeg var blevet indført i Bruno Grönings lære, forsvandt min trang til hash totalt. Jeg holdt op med at tage det og droppede mine bekendte fra miljøet. Jeg havde ingen abstinenser.


Bruno Gröning”

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