Healings of alcohol addiction
Healing from alcohol addiction (Help for others)
S. V. (56), Sittard (Netherlands), about her neighbor
We got new neighbors in March 2000. The woman lay in bed all the time and only got up to drink alcohol. You never saw her outside the flat the whole summer long. When her balcony door was open, the smell of beer was hardly bearable. They bought alcohol continually - a case of beer every day. When her son came to visit, he also brought beer along. Everyone else, too, who visited her drank alcohol. Her husband worked all day long.
Healing from alcohol dependence (Help for others)
J. P. (67), Zgierz (Poland), about her son
For several years my son had drunk two bottles of beer daily and in addition a lot of schnapps. I don’t know the exact daily amount, but I saw that he always had little schnapps bottles with him. Talking to him didn’t help. It would help for one or two days, then he would start drinking again. I didn’t know what I should do in this regard. I also looked into "Alcoholics Anonymous". He was supposed to go there for help, but he didn’t go. His marriage only hung on by a thread. The situation was critical, and his wife was talking about divorce.
Healing from alcohol addiction
H.-P. W. (54), Bielefeld (Germany)
In the year 1993 I began to regularly drink up to five litres of beer a day on weekends. I would really "hang one on", that is, I would get drunk. Back then I would hardly drink at all during the week-only on weekends-and I felt I had it well under control. That changed in 1996. I set my alcohol consumption at one and a half or two litres a day and didn’t get drunk anymore. I had become used to it. I was really drunk for the last time in 1996.
Healing from alcohol addiction
E. P. (55), Modena (Italy)
In the year 1992 I found myself in a very difficult time. My mother had died, and I had to care for my old father. My father was invalid because of his blindness and had a very difficult character. In addition to that I had to take care of my own family-my husband and two sons-and there was also my work. Without being aware of it I kept increasing the amount of wine I was drinking every day-about two glasses with meals more or less to have the strength to bear the great burden on my shoulders. I tried to stop but didn’t succeed; on the contrary it got worse and worse and the amount of wine kept increasing even when my duties decreased. All of this influenced my life and the people close to me. Sometimes when I was nervous and angry I would let out my aggression on my husband or my sons for no apparent reason or on ridiculous grounds. I tried to isolate myself from the others because I didn’t want them to notice what was going on with me but most of all because I was ashamed of it. I felt guilty but couldn’t stop. To overcome the yearning for wine I did Reiki and took Bach-blossom extract for months-without success.
Healing from alcohol and marijuana dependence
E. G. (39), Mistelbach (Austria)
When I was approximately ten years old I began to drink alcohol because I wanted to belong. Every day I went with my neighbour, a vintner, into his wine cellar to regularly drink wine (3-4 eighths, 375 ml). My parents were against this and forbade me to go, but I didn’t obey them. My school performance was also very weak. In the following years the amount kept increasing. At 14 I was already drinking a bottle of wine a day. When I began to go to discos during my job training I also drank high-proof on the weekends as well.
In 1985, at the age of 19, I first came into contact with drugs in the army. At first I smoked marijuana only on weekends. Due to an accident with my wrist followed by an operation when I was 12, I had severe wrist pain¸ especially whilst in the army and because of that I had increased my alcohol consumption so much that I often drank myself unconscious. Especially in the army I suffered so much from loneliness and lack of understanding that I wanted to put an end to my life.
Helbredelse af afhængighed af alkohol
Hr. W.H. (37), Schleswig (Tyskland)
I 10 år havde jeg haft alkoholproblemer. Jeg drak kun "hårde varer" (whisky, cognac, osv.), og altid mere end nødvendigt. Godt nok drak jeg ikke dagligt, men det tog stadigt til. Når min kone havde natarbejde, kunne jeg drikke op til en halv flaske snaps. Min kone og børnene gled derfor mere og mere i bagrunden.
Gennem min far hørte jeg om Bruno Grönings lære i februar 1990. Gennem læren og ved at indstille mig på den helbredende kraft kunne jeg i løbet af 14 dage holde op med at drikke. Det faldt mig ikke svært, og jeg har heller ingen trang til alkohol længere. Jeg føler mig rigtig lettet og har igen et godt forhold til min familie.