Healing from a herniated disk and depression
Paul Fischer (46), Groningen (Netherlands)

In June, 1993, I got severe pain in my lower back when bending over during a tennis tournament. While I had often had pain in the previous few years, it had always gone away again. But this time It had got worse, until it had encompassed my entire right leg. An x-ray examination revealed a herniated disk (L5-S1). Treatment by neurologists, healing practitioners and chiropractors was without lasting effect. Finally my doctor advised me to have an operation. The pain was like a heavy burden on my soul. I had been tortured for many years by depressive conditions, with sadness, desperation and an inner distress that is hard to describe. My mother was severely depressive, and as long as I can remember I had lived with the feeling that my life was worthless. I would imagine myself standing on the side of the road thinking, "If the car doesn't stop when I cross the street, then I won't have any more problems with all of that." The emotional distress was a big strain on my marriage - we were about to get a divorce. It was in this difficult time - in November, 1993 - that I learned of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends. During the introduction there I experienced something I will never forget. I felt a stream - a tingling in my body - and when I left the room all my pain had disappeared. A mere four days later I started to play tennis again. The depressive condition, too, had left. I have found peace and serenity once again. Thus, my marriage and family have been preserved.
Medical commentary:
Mr. Fischer suffered in 1993 what was diagnosed in the hospital as a herniated disk in the L5/S1 region with typical symptoms and signs - pain in the lower back and sciatica in the right leg with neurological deficiencies. When traditional and alternative methods of treatment failed, an operation was indicated (chemonucleolysis). There was persistent pain for months. The spontaneous healing during the introduction to the teaching Bruno Gröning is inexplicable from a medical point of view and can be attributed to the effect of the Heilstrom*. As a result of Mr. Fischer's emotional instability, he developed depression and thoughts of suicide. Here, too, there is an obvious connection between the absorption of the Heilstrom* in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends and the dissolution of all his burdensome living conditions.
H. Hagenmoser, M.D., General Practitioner