Healings of lymphoma (Non-Hodgkins-lymphoma)

Cura do Linfoma
Edeltraud Carl (54), Bayreuth (Alemanha)
Eu tive um tumor na glândula parótida. Um exame médico em seguida revelou que eu estava sofrendo de um câncer, conhecido como linfoma não-Hodgkin (câncer de linfonodo). Isso causou dor no lado esquerdo do meu rosto. A glândula parótida foi removida em fevereiro de 1993. Exames posteriores revelaram que era uma forma incurável de câncer que já havia se espalhado para a medula óssea. Eu fiquei bastante assustada depois de receber este diagnóstico. Me sentia desesperada, sofria de insônia severa e mudanças de humor. Me foi prescrito 25 sessões de radiação. Este tratamento teve um efeito terrível em mim. Eu sofria de perda de cabelo, infecções fúngicas nos meus pés e boca e falta de glóbulos vermelhos. Eu me sentia muito cansada e não tinha energia. Além disso, levou meses para cicatrizar as feridas. Em junho de 1993, fui enviada para um centro de convalescença. No entanto, isso não levou a nenhuma melhoria notável. Em agosto, outro tumor canceroso foi diagnosticado na virilha direita. Fiz uma cirurgia em outubro, mas recusei mais tratamento com radiação.
Healing of lymphoma in the stomach
Lina W. (78), Bremen (Germany)
Over a three-month period in 1991 I suddenly lost 10 kilos. I simply could not eat any longer. I was admitted to hospital where cancer of the stomach was diagnosed. (The detailed diagnosis was: Highly malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Primary location: stomach) I was advised to have an operation, followed by chemotherapy. I refused this because I had experienced the death of my daughter and both sons-in-law from cancer after chemotherapy. Against medical advice, I left hospital to die at home. When I had been home a few days I was astonished to realise that my appetite had returned. One night I suddenly had intense pain for two hours in the region of my stomach, and then it was gone again as rapidly as it had come. I had never experienced anything like this before. My appetite continued to increase, and by December I could eat everything and had regained my former weight. Every sign of tiredness and weakness had vanished.
Soon after Christmas, Mrs. U., a nursing sister who lives in my building, told me that she had tuned in for me in accordance with the teachings of Bruno Gröning. In January 1992 I accompanied her to an introductory talk, and since then I have regularly attended the community meetings. I have had no recurrence of my problems. To the great surprise of my doctors, a follow-up examination showed no sign of a cancerous growth in my stomach. It had simply disappeared.