Healings of back pain (thoracic, lumbar spine syndrome)

Cura de dor crônica nas costas após acidente
Abeysekera Abeysinghe (55, Buddhist), Ratmalana (Sri Lanka)
Desde 1978 sofri de severa dor nas costas, que me atormentava e me deixou incapacitado. Com dois amigos, tentei mover uma rocha gigantesca, porém meus amigos a soltaram enquanto eu ainda a segurava. O peso foi tão grande que subitamente tive a impressão de que minha coluna estava se quebrando em duas e meu corpo se partindo ao meio. A dor foi tão forte que não consegui mais me mexer. Meus amigos precisaram me carregar até um hospital próximo, onde recebi tratamento por um mês. O medico diagnosticou entorse, disse que eu ficaria bem novamente e deveria consultá-lo regularmente.
Cura de problemas crônicos nas costas, alergias, enxaqueca, dor em ambos os joelhos e esporão do calcâneo em ambos os calcanhares
Horst-Hubertus Krug (65), Konstanz (Alemanha)
Aos 13 anos, fui tratado pela primeira vez por um ortopedista para dores nas costas. Cresci cerca de 8 polegadas em um ano. Minhas vértebras cervicais, torácicas e lombares mostraram deformação considerável com conseqüências extremamente dolorosas. Em 1968, aos 21 anos também me tornei alérgico a vários alimentos, doces, cervejas e solventes em tintas e lacas. Minhas reações eram ataques de suor, problemas circulatórios quase ao ponto de inconsciência e vômitos. No mesmo ano - 1968 – comecei a sofrer de enxaquecas com fortes dores de cabeça e fotossensibilidade. Era uma dor aguda e pulsante acima das têmporas dos dois lados. Em meados dos anos noventa, a dor tornou-se perceptível em ambos os joelhos. Um exame de raio-x revelou artrite. A partir de 2006 usava almofadas para calcanhar nos meus sapatos, que foram recomendadas pelo médico de família. Esporões de calcanhar dolorosos tinham se formado gradualmente em ambos os pés.

Healing from pain of the spine, joints and right ankle
Marie Francová (57), Zibohlavy (Czechs)
When I was 30 years of age, pain appeared first in my cervical spine, later more severely in the lumbar spine, and then gradually in all my joints. After making a false move, I could no longer stand up, and the pain would run down from my back. I was as if I was paralyzed from the waist down and had to be taken to bed. We would call the doctor, and he gave me injections to relieve the pain, sometimes even twice a day. This would repeat itself at intervals of two or more weeks, sometimes with more, sometimes with fewer complaints—regardless of whether I was active or still. Sometimes pain would paralyze me when hanging up the clothes. Only with effort was I able to hold onto the line to avoid falling like a wet sack to the ground. Only after taking a strong dose of painkiller was I eventually able to crawl into bed. Four or five times a year I would suffer from total immobility.
Cura de dor crônica nas costas
Danuta Piekarz (55), Varsóvia (Polônia))
Quando eu tinha 47 anos começou a dor que não me deixaria por anos. Começou na região lombar, primeiro esporadicamente e depois mais e mais frequente. Aos 52 anos, sentia dores nas costas toda vez que me levantava ou me inclinava. Também sentia isso quando me levantava de manhã e depois de passeios a pé, que duravam mais de meia hora. Era especialmente difícil para mim quando tinha que ficar de pé durante longas viagens de ônibus, trabalhando na cozinha ou lavando meu cabelo. Desde que minhas pernas também estavam pesadas,andar se tornou muito dificil para mim. Por causa destas dificuldades, era tortura para mim ir às compras em grandes shoppings centers, onde voce anda devagar e depois tem que ficar parada na fila para pagar. Freqüentemente tinha que parar para sentar e descansar. Meu filho me ajudava a carregar as sacolas de compras e me ajudava andar, me apoiando debaixo dos braços.

Healing from chronic back pain and headache
Lidija Grigoryevna Michel (55), Koktschetaw (Kasachstan)
In the year 1976, at the age of 25, I got severe back pain. The cause was probably the hard physical work on a construction site. At the time I had to carry wet cement mixtures for enclosures for a few days. For me as a woman that was a difficult task. Then one day I even had to call the emergency doctor. He had me admitted to hospital. The doctors there diagnosed an osteochondrosis of the entire spine. I had severe pain in the cervical-, thoracic- and lumbar spine and in every body part. I was given Diclofenac and various shots, as well as a tranquillizer.

Healing from 43 years of chronic spinal pain
Andrzej Kosienkowski (67), Warschau (Poland)
In 1965 I was serving in the military as a quarryman. While my colleague and I were lifting a very large, heavy tree stump, something suddenly snapped in my back and I felt a severe, sharp pain in my back. Since that time I have been accompanied by very severe pain in the lumbo-sacral region which restricted many of my functions such as standing, sitting, lying and even breathing.
Healing from enteritis and torsion-scoliosis with shortening of the leg
Josef Müller (55), Ingolstadt (Germany)
Bowel actions five or six times a day was always normal for me. But because I didn’t really have any pain I rarely went to the doctor. The agreed upon diagnosis was enteritis (chronic bowel disorder.) I was prescribed charcoal tablets, which makes the stool temporarily firmer and I only had to go to the toilet once or twice. As soon as I stopped taking them, the stool slowly became softer again and I could end up going to the toilet up to seven times per day. I lived with this for decades.
Healing of pain in the thoracic spine
Mr K. M. (71), Ulm (Germany)
In 1964 I developed pains in the region of my thoracic spine which often radiated to my chest. Despite medical therapies the pain increased. Often I was at my wits' end because of this and at night had to sleep sitting upright on a couch. This situation lasted for 31 years. Eventually I reached the stage that occasionally I was unable to eat anything for days on end because of the pain.
In October 1993 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning and since then I regularly absorbed the healing stream. The pain continued until December 1994 but then suddenly it disappeared. Since then I am pain-free.
Healing of pain in the lumbar spine
Mrs C. A. (48), Heidelberg (Germany)
From the age of 16 I had pains in the lumbar region of my spine practically every morning. My doctor told me that I had a spinal curvature. There were mornings when the pain was so intense that for some hours I could only walk in a stooping position. Then the pains diminished, but physical work brought them back again, and in the course of time my problem worsened. However, I took no medicines.
Since my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in June 1988, I have not had a backache in the morning again and since the middle of 1991 I am able to do everything without pain.
Healing of pain in the lumbar spine
Mrs H.C. (64), Frankfurt (Germany)
I suffered from pain in my lumbar spine from childhood. In the past it only occurred when I engaged in heavy work but later it was brought on by long periods of sitting in my office, and from about 1991 it was a permanent factor.
Walking, standing and getting up from a chair was barely possible and during the night I awoke each time I turned around. In 1992 an orthopaedic surgeon prescribed a brace. This corset helped me immensely but I only put it on when I had a lot of walking, standing or working to do.
When I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, in September 1994, I received spontaneous healing. Since then my backache has completely vanished. I have never used my brace again.
Healing of pain in the lumbar spine
Mr R. R. (59), Denver (USA)
In 1965 during a competition for parachutists I took a very hard landing on my backside. It was extremely painful and from then I suffered from pain in my lower back. At first therapy gave me relief, but after a while the pain recurred and occasionally was next to unbearable. Acupuncture, massage, medical baths, electrotherapy, yoga exercises and other alternative therapies did not help. I accepted the fact that I would always have to live with this condition.
In 1995 I heard of the teachings of Bruno Gröning. Immediately after my introduction my back was free from pain and to date this is still the case. I am very grateful for this healing.