Wissenschaftliche Dokumentation

Medical Documentation

Compiling and verifying the healings

Medizinische DokumentationAn essential aspect of the work of the Medical Scientific Group (MWF) is the systematic collection and verification of the healings that happen on the spiritual path through applying the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Friends in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends who have been healed themselves are schooled to capably record the success reports. This made it possible to build up an international network within the Circle of Friends for documenting the healings.

In documenting a success report, the state of health of the healed person before and after the healing is recorded in detail, using a questionnaire similar to the one used by the medical profession to record a patient's clinical history. These reports are then thoroughly examined by various physicians of the MWF. If deemed necessary from a medical point of view, further documentation is gathered. The doctors of the MWF will then request to see any relevant medical diagnostic pre-findings and may ask the healed person to be examined by an independent medical colleague. This information is then added to the success report, which is then supplemented by a physician’s commentary.

In addition to the success reports in the field of human medicine, animal healings are also documented and examined by the veterinarians of the MWF. Impressive reports of healing have been recorded--even of severe chronic diseases from which a recovery could not have been expected from the standpoint of orthodox veterinary medicine.

Also collected are reports of inexplicable changes in plants through the influence of the healing power, which are verified by qualified professionals. Reports of help in personal and professional areas of life are documented as well.

Since the late 1980s, thousands of cases of help and healing have been recorded and archived in this way.




MWF醫學科學小組自從於1992年成立以來,已經成為世界各地數以千計的醫生、心理學家和其他從事醫護行業的人士的獨特論壇,討論及分析靈性療癒的現象,他們中許多人為自己或他們的病人尋求幫助,發現Bruno Gröning的教誨是正統醫學或另類醫療學派的知識以外的有效補充。


醫學科學小組內富承擔的專業人士,感恩於他們自己所體驗的療癒或見證他人的療癒,因而自願奉獻他們的時間,他們的願望:為藉着Bruno Gröning的教誨而成就的靈性途徑上的療癒提供科學基礎,務使最多的求助者和健康護理專業同寅都能踏上這治療的路途。



  • Physicians’ Point of View

    Physicians’ Point of View

    Statements from doctors about healing on the spiritual path through the teaching of Bruno Gröning


「Bruno Gröning



格蕾特.霍斯納出版樓:大量不同種類的書籍、雜誌、鐳射唱片(CD) 、數碼影碟(DVD) 和月曆


科學家有話要說: Bruno Gröning的教誨的趣味性層面