偏癱 (中風後) 的療癒

Healing from hemiplegia and severe speach disturbance
Nikolai Gontschar (66), Koktschetau (Kazakhstan)
After a stroke in 1987 I suffered speech disturbances, headache, dizziness, cramps and leg pain. I couldn't walk for more than five minutes and could hardly speak. My right arm and right leg were paralysed. I was plagued by memory loss and had difficulty understanding things people explained to me.
Heilung einer langjährigen Linksseitenlähmung nach Hirnblutung
Anna K. (64), Deutschland
[1] Am 30.08.1976, im Alter von 44 Jahren, hatte ich einen Schlaganfall mit mittelgradiger Gehirnblutung. Seitdem war meine linke Körperhälfte gelähmt. Ich war sechs Wochen lang in der Universitätsklinik. Man brachte mich in ein weiteres Krankenhaus, wo ich wiederum sechs Wochen verweilen musste. Ich bekam Infusionen und Massagen bzw. krankengymnastische Behandlung. Mein linker Arm und mein linkes Bein waren jedoch nach wie vor gelähmt. Der Arzt wies mich darauf hin, dass ich mit dieser Lähmung leben müsste. Nach dreimonatigem Krankenhausaufenthalt kam ich nach Hause. Mein Mann musste mich voll versorgen: waschen, kämmen, zur Toilette schleppen, ins Bett bringen. Außerdem musste er die ganze Hausarbeit machen, da ich zu nichts mehr fähig war. Ich konnte nur noch aufgetischtes Essen mit meiner gesunden rechten Hand zu mir nehmen. Ich bekam regelmäßig Massagen und Elektroschocks, was zumindest dazu führte, dass ich zwei Zehen bewegen konnte. An selbstständiges Aufstehen und Gehen war nicht zu denken.
Healing of hemiplegia after cerebral bleeding
Mrs. A. K. (58), Nürnberg (Germany)
In August 1976, at the age of 44, I suffered a stroke with bleeding of the brain which confined me to a university hospital for six weeks. Subsequently the left side of my body was paralysed. I was given infusions, massages and physiotherapy. However, my left arm and leg remained paralysed so that I was not in a position to look after myself or do routine housework. Continual massage and physiotherapy resulted in very slow, minimal improvement, so that, by the spring of 1977, I was able to move independently around my home with the aid of crutches. In 1981 my lame leg was encased in a plastic splint from the knee to the balls of my foot so that I could move more easily. This enabled me to put aside my left crutch and I could climb stairs, dragging one leg behind me. But I could not go out or walk longer distances. This condition remained unchanged for the next eight years.
During my introduction to the teachings of Bruno Gröning, I felt power and warmth throughout my body. Eight days after my introduction I experienced healing. I was taking a midday nap on the kitchen bench when I suddenly awoke with a start and the feeling that I could walk. On the strength of this I stood up, walked through the kitchen, down the steps into the garden and strolled around. All this without crutches, walking stick or splint. My left foot could take my full weight without giving way, and I could move at will. My left arm had also regained its full strength. The two neurological specialists who gave me control examinations in 1990 and 1991 could find no sign of paralysis.