
Healing from night blindness
U. K. S. (28), Austria
I noticed it when I was about 12 years old. I was going home after a "Krampus parade" with my mother and my sister. The moon shone very brightly, but nevertheless I couldn't see anything. Even though I knew the way inside out I proceeded very carefully with outstretched hands in order to be able to feel my way along.
Healing of nyctalopia (night blindness)
Mrs C. D. (25), Münster (Germany)
For years my night vision was very bad. This hampered me when I drove at night on badly lit or unlit roads. Despite my headlights, I was unable, from a certain distance, to judge if there was a bend ahead in the road, and if so, which direction it took. So in the dark I drove more by luck than judgement.
In 1991, after I had been in the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends for almost two years, it dawned on me that driving in the dark was no longer a problem. I can see in the dark again just as well as I do during the day. This is still the case to date.
Healing of nyctalopia (night blindness)
Mr W. K. (35), Siegburg (Germany)
I was night-blind for 10-12 years. It was risky for me to drive in the dark as I could not judge distances. It was even worse in the rain.
In May 1991 I was introduced to the teachings of Bruno Gröning. That winter, while driving at night and in the rain I realised that I had been healed. Since then I have had no further problems with my vision.