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Bruno Gröninga fenomens - filmas demonstrēšana visā pasaulē un YouTube

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Priekšlasījums 1100 interesentiem

Dīters Häuslers, Bruno Gröninga Draugu loka vadītājs, notur priekšlasījumu aptuveni 1100 interesentiem

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A documentary film "The Phenomenon of Healing"

The Healings Continue

Das Phänomen der Heilung

Due to extraordinary healings, Bruno Gröning made headlines around the world in the 1950s. When he died in 1959, many believed that this phenomenon had ended. But on the contrary, people on all continents are still attaining help and healing, thanks to the teaching of Bruno Gröning. Evidently Bruno Gröning had known in advance what nobody else had suspected. Towards the end of his life he said, "What my opponents had to do, they have done completely and with this, they have reached the end. Likewise, I have done what I had to do, but it is only the beginning."

The documentary film “The Phenomenon of Healing" impressively documents events that happened after 1959. Viewers learn how the work of Bruno Gröning developed after his passing, and of the great extent of help and healing on the spiritual path that is still happening today ‒ irrespective of religious affiliation, skin color and culture. Fascinating interviews, professional comments by doctors and personal reports from Bruno Gröning Friends from many countries, give a broad overview of the worldwide activities of the Bruno Gröning Circle of Friends.


At the premiere on 1 March 2015, the cinemas in Berlin, Munich and Vienna were full. The documentary consists of three parts with a total running time of nearly five hours. It will be shown publicly in many places. For screening details go to: http://bruno-groening-film.org

Trailer (4 minutes)

20 Years of the film documentary "The Bruno Gröning phenomenon"


A particularly heart stirring film

It started on 3rd October 2003: The documentary film "The Bruno Gröning phenomenon" had its premiere in the Toni cinema in Berlin-Weissensee and at the same time...

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Miera apbalvojums

World Peace Prayer Society (WPPS) novērtē Draugu loka vairāk kā 30 gados paveikto.

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Mit 63 zum ersten Mal gesund! – Über Nacht geheilt

Von Kindheit an war der heute 72-jährige permanent krank. Erst Jahrzehnte später erfuhr er von Bruno Gröning und wurde über Nacht gesund.


Dokumentālā filma:
„Bruno Gröninga fenomens”

Demonstrēšanas datumi daudzās pilsētās visā pasaulē

Grete Häusler-Verlag

Grētes Häusleres izdevniecība: Plaša grāmatu, žurnālu, CD, DVD un kalendāru izvēle


Izsakās zinātnieki: Interesanti aspekti no Bruno Gröninga mācības